ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

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You know what I think I'll join Cen *mental flatlines too*

Because I went to bed a little too late thanks to BURNING UP WITH ENTHUSIASM with drawing this MWT stuff. I reckon I could get through another 15 pages tonight...

Okay, this is the last post from me. I gotta go again and I can't access my profile because the computer crashes every time I try.

5,420 posts

hmm I already know what I want to do as a epilogue, I just need time to draw it now...

5,420 posts

Alright I am finally done with didn't end exactly as I originally intended, and because of laziness I didn't bother explaining everything in it too well, but either way I managed to make it into a cliffhanger which was basically my intention from the start. So here it is(and I can explain what is going on if needed):

13,657 posts

The air felt tense, like it was about to choke them all. It cooled down, strangely relaxing, comforting. The sky change from white to a light grey, then warm blue, though it seemed more unreal than it ever had.
The Lady stared at the one interrupting her, her eyes wide with surprise and... fear? .Master.. She bowed at the newcomers, stiff and uncomfortable. .Everything is as it should be, master, I was just teaching them some manners.. She did not raise her head while talking.
The speaker, a tall humanoid with hollow, dark green eyes and an unconsciously noted similarity with a tree, gazed out on the battleground, observing the surroundings with a certain authority. Behind - him, a female beetle anthro shifted her weight, restlessly waiting for the tree man to do something. Beside her a tall man stood calmly, his orangey red hair and tired expression giving the few conscious contestants the feeling of having seen him before, and then again not.

Everything, everyone was quite. Xzeno rose from the sand, and moved closer. Those beings had to have the control now.
Phil, Bob and Jack helped Dingsly get on his feet. His chest hurt a lot, but he had still been fighting on until the battle had been stopped. He was dizzy and unable to concentrate, slowly blacking out in the arms of his new-found friends-but-enemies.
"What's going on?" Charlie looked up from the sand his head had been buried in moments before. Pazx shrugged, ready to dodge the golem, if it decided to move again. Near them, Delairi was blacking out as well, her hair wet with blood.
Billy observed the scene from the ruins, too tired to get up, while Vixen was trying to wake up Dervysh, who once again had fainted.

Teaching them manners? I have knowledge of other things. He turned his gaze at her, looking emptily at her. These beings are not ours. You have lied to us. His voice, though slow, calm, got a edge when he said it, like he was patiently scolding a child. The Lady did not answer, nor did she look up. The beetle woman shifted her weight again, flapping her wings with a loud buzz. "Can we start cleaning up now, I have a meeting later?" The man spoke,
looking arrogantly at the back of the tree man Yes, yes, of course. Follow, Suoli. The tree man turned, followed by the redhead and the beetle.
The Lady took a step forward, then another. .Fools.. The golem crashed forward, lunging for the three clad in white. The sand was whirled up as it connected, and a sickening crack sounded over the rest of the noise.
Then a buzzing began, and the dusty sand was blown away. The trio still stood, the redhead resting with a exhausted, but bored, expression against the broken arm of the golem. The treelike humanoid spoke, and the golem returned to the sand it had come from.
The Lady stared at the tree man with burning hate. Then Charlie started laughing.
"You idiot, shut up!" Pazx snarled at him, but it seemed to encourage the laughter. By Dingsly's side, Jack started snickering, and soon the laughter roared across the desert.
Xzeno looked at the imbeciles, then moved the last couple of meters to the side of the tree man "Excuse me, but I think you can be to my.."
A violent wave of... cold erupted from where the Lady stood. The Lady was screaming with rage, her form melting into the blobs of darkness, her pure essence exposed and radiating cold, despair, death. The laughter stopped abruptly. The arrogant smile on the man's face froze, though he did not look as terrified as the beetle, or as startled as their leader. .The universe is mine..

Another wave of cold, more fierce than the first. The blob formed tentacles, striking forth, barely missing the tree man .Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.. The Lady chanted, the voice getting shrill, then bubbly, like someone drowning. She stroke again, but hitting nothing. Another wave of stinging ice. A cry of a
bird of prey. Something blue dived through the blob, and disappearing up into the light of the distorted sun. The red haired man pushed the beetle lady hard,
and mumbling she focused on the dark matter. White fire surrounds the blob, and she cries out, the bubbling sound getting more distinct. Coughs. More bubbles, then silence.
The woman dismissed the fire with a confused expression. The waves of painful cold had stopped with the screams, and where the blob had been was nothing but a bit of ooze and smoke. "Did I just..." The beetle looked horrified at the tree man I highly doubt it was you. His expression was once again calm and almost non existing. She is... gone.
"Can we please go home now?" Yeti mumbled groggily at the strangers.


"Wake up." The hawk pushed to the ninja with a talon, then just stared emptily at him, like birds do. "Hmm? Is't already mornin'?" Strop blinked, feeling heavy and sleepy. "You are getting home." The beetle woman bend over him, her black eyes piercing him. "Home?" "Someone is waiting for you." She grabbed him around his chest and lifted him like he had been a rag doll, and carried him half through some white swirls. He fell the rest of the way, wincing when he meet the ground. When he opened his eyes once again, he looked up into a familiar face.

"Sorry for the trouble." The man did not look sorry, when he helped the siblings to the swirls. Actually, he looked annoyed, like someone who had just through a bad case of the flu, and now had caught a cold. "Sure, whatever..." Yeti answered exhausted. Sasquatch was just staring suspiciously at the swirls, before he entered them. On the other side, all was like it used to be. Soft air met him. Silence.

"Hey, you couldn't drop us off near a burger bar or something, could you?" Jack looked at the tree man with a non caring expression. The tree man looked just as non caring back. You will be "dropped" where you will be "dropped". "Just asking." He mumbled, following his friends through the swirls.

Garrow looked at the swirls. "So, those will get us home" "Yes." The man looked at him with an annoyed expression. "How do you know where we live?" "Your memories told us..." "But what if our memories are wrong?" "Then you won't go home." "So we are not go.." "GO THROUGH THE PORTAL!" Pazx grabbed Garrow, twitched an ear and wandered through the swirly whites.

I am sincerely sorry for the trouble, Mr Dragon. The tree man bowed lightly, then looked at Hallow with his empty eyes. The dragon simply looked back. "I trust that will be the last time you let a maniac roam..." I hope so. The humanoid replied. "Take care of the Kai..." He turned, and trotted into the swirls, entering the fresh morning air of his own world.

"This was... Weird..." Dervysh mumbled to Vixen, as they were lead to the right swirl of white. "Very... So much..." The words faded to nothing. What had it been? An adventure? Dangerous? Troublesome? Horrifying? She didn't know. Dervysh seemed to share the same thoughts. She squeezed his hand a little before they went through the swirl.

Nergyl was simply thrown through a swirl. No one had dared to wake him up, after Yeti had told how violent he acted. He landed in the middle of nowhere, but a safe place for him to wake up. Near living beings he could tear to pieces.

"I would sue you for this, if it was worth anything, crazy bastards..." Xzeno looked arrogantly at the beetle, who just smiled and nodded. "Seriously, half my equipment is ruined!" She smiled again, pushing him towards the portal. "If I find out this was planned, you would wish you where a felin.." His words was cut off when he entered the portal.

Azu patted his dog a little on the head, and trotted through a swirl.

"You look mighty good." Billy smiled at the beetle woman, and disappeared into the white swirls.

"FLY LIKE SUPERMAN!" Charlie yelled while running towards the swirls, any swirl, it seemed. "Why do I get all the oddballs..." The man sighed, grabbed Charlie by the arm, and directed his "like superman" at the right swirl.

Dingsly looked at the slowly emptying space before the swirls. This had been confusing to say the least. And hard. His chest still hurt when he took a breath, and he could hardly raise his sword from the ground. At some point he remembered wondering about it all, wanting to know. Now he just wanted to forget it all. And sleep. The tree man called for him. He took a last look at the surroundings, before going back to his own reality.

"Could it be possible to... let me go where ever I want?" Delairi looked at the beetle woman. "I am not quite sure what you mean, dear?" She smiled, pushing Delairi towards the swirls. "I.. Don't want to go back." "Not our department."

Kai petted the mazzelh tiredly. He was exhausted and everything gave off pain, but still he patted the soft fur. The mazzelh licked his fingers, mewing to him. He forced himself to smile, scratching her a little behind her ear, before letting the tree man take her to the last of the swirls. She exited the portal not far from the nest. A worried mewing met her, and her mate stared shocked at her, before nuzzling her, happy to see her.

"Feeling better, dear cousin?" The man nudged the boy's head. -I am feeling like crap, thank you for asking...- He sighed, staring into the air from the floating stretcher like thing. "Good." The man said harshly, laughing. Kai sighed once again, closing his eyes, finally able to rest.


As the members of the Government left the plane, as the world began to fall apart, the illusions breaking down, the memories scattering once again, the being stood there, in the middle of the destruction, watching the spot where the members had disappeared from. Then it smiled grotesquely wide, fading. We will see how easy you slip away next time, my prey... Then it was gone.

13,657 posts

*stares at amount of text*

Anyway, looks good, Crimson, it seems a little creepy, and I am not quite sure what is going on either, but it looks cool.

5,420 posts

I am not quite sure what is going on either

well let me try to explain real quick

First two parts show Sasquatch going through the "swirls" into his world. The third image is him awaking on his way through the portal, realizing that he has grass all over him, growing out of cuts in his skin and all over his damaged leg, and that is when the mysterious voice comes in. The same one that he heard when he gained his energy back in the last battle with Xzeno. When he arrives to this world, he looks at himself seeing that all of his wounds from the battles are gone, and if you look closely at the grass something is sneaking up on him. His sister has arrived at the same time, and sees the creature, trying to warn Sasquatch. It was one of the Jalapeno heads from when they were teleported into the MWT at the beginning. She notes that these creatures never give up, and she tends to have to save Sasquatch quite a bit, which is ironic since he is the older brother and the stronger of the two. Anyways do you understand a bit better now?
4,375 posts


*huggles cenere*

I'm not letting go....incase you were wondering.

9,434 posts

The explanation really helped. >_>

But yay for interesting chaaange~

13,657 posts

*huggles cenere*
I'm not letting go....incase you were wondering.

O <.....

And it did sound interesting, and thank you for the explanation.
4,375 posts

O <.....

*pulls you onto couch*

*Is now hugging you while your on my lap, though you strugle*

Yes...crimson that was very helpfull. You litte *gets slaped* OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWE!!!!!!!!
2,301 posts

Hey, you included more Xzeno even though you complained (rightly) that he lacked any significant character development! Thanks, Cen.

13,657 posts

Hey, you included more Xzeno even though you complained (rightly) that he lacked any significant character development! Thanks, Cen.

I am sure he is a good character, but I simply lack the understanding of him. So yeah, making him complain and be superior, and the like is the best I can do. I hope you are fine with it.

*Is now hugging you while your on my lap, though you strugle*

> <
2,301 posts

So I was going to write my epilogue over the weekend, but I'm going somewhere. Somewhere with no computers or internet. (Like Robinson Caruso, it's as primitive as can be.) So I elected to frantically type up an epilogue now and say I'll finish it later.


Xzeno fought the portal with all his might, but his strength was failing. He was being pulled back. Pulled away from the dim world he had been visiting; pulled back into his own world. He did not want to go. Not yet; not until he sorted some things out. The presence of the bug confirmed his suspicions: This entire affair had been orchestrated by the Alliance; felines were not to blame - unless it was a conspiracy... But Xzeno would dwell on this later. For now, he had to fight this portal. No matter how he tried, he was slowly but inevitably being pushed to the other side. Finally, when he knew the battle was lost, he snatched his last incendiary grenade from his waist and tossed it towards the end of the portal from which he was being driven. The canister popped in midair, releasing a cloud of white-hot metal. Xzeno's eyes widened as the vaporized tungsten blew back towards him. He threw his hands in front of his face, though he knew it would not save him from his own stupidity.

Xzeno gasped for breath. He was lying in his bed.
"Hey. You're back!" said the blue alien.
"What happened?" asked Xzeno.
"I don't know" said the blue one, "We heard a shout and then-" but the medic cut him off:
"You managed to burn yourself to death in your own bed." she sighed "Rangers: What are you going to do? But please, try to refrain from dieing in the future. After a couple hours, I can't cure it."
"Don't die. Got it." said Xzeno sarcastically "Great advice."
The medic sighed again and turned to leave.
"Seriously Xzeno, what happened?" asked the blue being.
"Incendiary grenade." said Xzeno curtly.
"Yes; accidents happen," said the blue one "but before that. I heard you shouting."
"I don't really know; I think it was-" Xzeno began as he rolled over on to his side and caught sight of the bloody, tattered piece of cloth tied around his hand. "Nothing: It was just a dream."

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