As a precautionary system, many schools across the nation have been searching lockers to eliminate the school of weapons and drugs that the students had. The schools had probable cause, meaning that they did have some piece of evidence that says that particular person had illegal objects. This caused an outrage with students and parents alike, saying that this was an invasion of the student's privacy. This case was taken to the supreme court, who ruled that the schools did have the right to search.
What jirock says is correct. Just don't bring illegal stuff to school. Lockers are not your personal storage cupboards. Their school property technically. Unless you bring your own safe to school...
in my old school they searched lockers 3 times a year, and a kid had a bomb in his locker. the bomb squad was called in and said it was big enuff to destroy half the school.
The school has every right to search lockers since the lockers do belong to them. However, if you have a bag in your locker they have no right to search through it in my opinion, considering it's yours.
The school has every right to search lockers since the lockers do belong to them. However, if you have a bag in your locker they have no right to search through it in my opinion, considering it's yours.
Correct Good post
They can only search your "bag" if they have probable cause. example: the saw you smoking pot in the bathroom an want to check your bag for pot.
personally i think it would be stupid for anyone to hide drugs and/or weapons in their lockers. most people just have their books and some other junk in there so theres no point in searching them. but like ligaboy said the lockers are the schools so they have a right to search them so let them. i don't care since i carry neither drugs or a weapon so i don't give a shi.t if they search my locker they'll be just wasting their time. plus cant they just bring in the drug dogs or whatever to sniff the students lockers and like this the school doesn't even have to search the lockers.
but like ligaboy said the lockers are the schools so they have a right to search them so let them.
I maintain that they do not. It doesn't matter who owns the lockers, all that matters is that the law allows you protection from illegal search and seizure[sp]. This protection extends to school lockers because when renting or borrowing property, you have protection as though it was your land as far as searches are concerned.
There is a boundary to as how far a school can go in searching lockers. They may only check them if they have probable evidence that there is something illegal or something the student shouldn't be in possesion of.
...but that fact in no way compromises the fact that they can't search you without due process of law.
Before you start school you sign a whole bunch of documents typically. Did you even read those documents? Somewhere in there it probably adresses this whole issue.(I didn't...)
My school just searched a kids locker. We have a program when you're really bad you have to go to a thing that is the equal to boot camp, anyway they thought he had drugs (he didn't). My point is they searched his locker when everybody was in the hallway and the kid looked so sad/mad. so I say no all it does is form rage and embarresment, but if they want to do it after school I'm partial to it.
Before you start school you sign a whole bunch of documents typically. Did you even read those documents? Somewhere in there it probably adresses this whole issue.(I didn't...)
I can't speak for anyone else, but when I read them (They put it in front of me, I read it without being told to.) there wasn't a word about searching lockers.
My school DID have us sign a form to give them right to search lockers, and besides, it's their property anyway, they don't need to make us sign anything.
it's their property anyway, they don't need to make us sign anything.
No, they don't. The reason you had to sign such papers is that if you didn't, they would not be allowed to search your locker. See Amendment 4, US Constitution.