As a precautionary system, many schools across the nation have been searching lockers to eliminate the school of weapons and drugs that the students had. The schools had probable cause, meaning that they did have some piece of evidence that says that particular person had illegal objects. This caused an outrage with students and parents alike, saying that this was an invasion of the student's privacy. This case was taken to the supreme court, who ruled that the schools did have the right to search.
I think that it is completely okay to search students lockers without warning. Lockers are a location for students to keep their books, and it is on school property. So the school is allowed to survey and things placed on their property and to determine whether they should be allowed to stay there. If you had a box on your front lawn and people started putting things in it, you would feel that it is your right to know what is being placed on your property. Also I think it is important to make sure that students aren't bringing dangerous or inapropriate things to campus. I don't think that stuents have any say in whether they should look at what is in their lockers or not. If you have things that you would rather not be seen, dont bring them. And a locker isnt personal property. Its purpose is to store books.
Well another thing,when you go to school to sign-up you sign papers..being a small student you dont read it..well somewhere in there it says "I give the right for search of my locker" or something.
Alright so lockers say at the YMCA or sumthing like that aren't your property? yet u pay for it right? They aren't allowed to check wats in there cuz its urs. I totally disagree with locker checks. First its a huge invasion of privacy. U sign papers, and PAY for your locker. Well i have to. In my school some guy got arrested because they checked his locker and found like 20 g of weed (for those who dont know thats about 200 bucks... 10 $ per gram) and they arrested him. During trial he found out they did a locker check, and then sued the school. Our school lost enough money to aloow him to post bail... i think like 40 grand or so. So now our school can't do it. Anyways we have a police man to check for drugs, and kids here aren't stupid to keep it in our lockers with the bag open...And shine... i wouldn't post that online lol. U telling the dean about drugs... if that guy, his dealer, or the person he gives it to to sell found out about what you did, they'd would shoot you with out a blink of an eye. Seen it happen to many times. To those who leave drugs in your locker... keep them in ur car plz! although weed may smell good (when not lit up and smoked... just the plant itself) some ppl cant stand the smell of some of these drugs.... anyways locker= easily broken into
Alright so lockers say at the YMCA or sumthing like that aren't your property? yet u pay for it right? They aren't allowed to check wats in there cuz its urs. I totally disagree with locker checks.
We are talking about school lockers, not community sports lockers. Of course they can't search your things in YMCA lockers, because it's frankly your stuff! School lockers are supposed to be only for your books and your books only! Schools have every right to search their own lockers and I'm happy and grateful that they are doing so.
Yeah if they put the point to the kids that there has been evidence of such things found and they will be searching lockers then i believe they have a right too. Although in the first page wilddingo said there should be a form, i agree with this.
Well another thing,when you go to school to sign-up you sign papers..being a small student you dont read it..well somewhere in there it says "I give the right for search of my locker" or something.
well thats what i said..and before you sign-up for school they give you papers to you actually read them? and they should have your consent on what the situation is and stuff.i would only let them if they suspected something..not out of randomness.
Here's the problem with that. People who don't agree with the consent of having police search their lockers are people that obviously have that sort of thing at home and they feel like they need it in their locker. And if it really does bother you, then look in page 1-2. I noted that police use dogs to track the drugs. If you don't have drugs in your locker, then why worry? The only people that worry about that kind of thing are people that actually have that stuff, no offense >_>
uh no, i worry all the time, because i sometimes keep personal info about home stuff, my life, and my friends personal stuff in my locker. Its your locker.. hence should be treated like your own. You even agreed the YMCA is for community...aren't schools meant for the community too? All the time you hear about how their for the community of caring, or sum bs like that. It's your locker, and your stuff is in there. You could have a pr1ck teacher who steals some of your stuff with these locker checks. To me looking through someones locker is a huge invasion of privacy. Some girls keep tampons and pads in there for just in case emergencies.. Thats kinda embarassing for them if people are walking by and teachers are pulling out tampons and pads from their locker... Which is why i bought a different lock than wat the school gave me. They can't get into my locker anymore without cutting it. Then because our school cant do locker checks, i could sue them lol. Im safe at least. And no ppl who do drugs are more worried about tattle tales who sniff them out. Because in this day they can say it was planted on them or something. Ppl still dont get it. I watch and see drug deals happen every day. Teachers dont care if your the one who has the drugs. They dont do shizz all to you, they only care about who gave you the drugs. And if you tell them, you'll get shot by the dealer... As well if you have under 1.5 g of any drug the police can't arrest you. Its not enough crucial evidence to give you a fine, or arrest you.
But wats to stop that? Just a rule saying that? im sry but its either there gonna check through everything, or check through nothing. Cuz bags of cocaine and weed can be small.... So ya they'd check everywhere if not everything. Which is why i'd say no
My school had to do this after they found some threating notes in the hall...but i think its necissary, and besides unless your hiding something or there is something very pearsonal there then idk what the fuss is about..
I dont think its fair. Its your personal space, my locker is full of stuff that i like, i dont want some person i dont know or like rifling through my stuff.
Well of course police (and dogs) should be able to search lockers for any threatning notes , guns , drugsand ect..
If a student does not have anything to hide then why is he/she angry about police checking there lockers(ect..).
(reading any written text
If you mean like cell phone wise about reading students texts then yes I agree with you .But if you mean like papers hanging around somones locker I believe the police should be able to check it out.