As a precautionary system, many schools across the nation have been searching lockers to eliminate the school of weapons and drugs that the students had. The schools had probable cause, meaning that they did have some piece of evidence that says that particular person had illegal objects. This caused an outrage with students and parents alike, saying that this was an invasion of the student's privacy. This case was taken to the supreme court, who ruled that the schools did have the right to search.
think they should be able to search the locker but not in bags, books, or binders
I agree with you Review but to a certain exstent.If they find drugs guns ect... in somones locker I belive they can check there book bags , books , and binders.
I agree with you Review but to a certain exstent.If they find drugs guns ect... in somones locker I belive they can check there book bags , books , and binders.
Dang it, I forgot to put that part. I was going to add that if they have reasonable evidence, they should be able to search your belongings. Thanks for reminding me.
I dont think they should be able to search your belongings unless they have a permit. Thats only becuz that is your stuff. For all you know someone could've stashed drugs into your locker, while you were in class. Then they bring in the drug dogs and they find drugs in your locker. Its not your fault, but now they should search through purses, wallets, and personal belongings. There could be personal medication that may be embarresing if others found out in your purse or bag. How would you feel if you had like a rash somewhere and needed cream. Now there doing a full locker scan in the middle of the hallway looking through all your stuff, or even dumping it on the floor. Passerby's can easily see everything in that girls purse, or that guys bag, and this is all becuz sumone stashed drugs in there locker. I say they should only if they get a permit to do it first.
Why would you bring something illegal to school? Obviously to perform an illegal action. Either way your caught, one is just sooner... which may save the rest of your life.
Its not your fault, but now they should search through purses, wallets, and personal belongings.
By carrying drugs, and having the cops find them, you automatically forfeit any right to your other belongings on the grounds that they may also contain illegal substances.
It's not like cops perform the search in front of everyone else...They would probably take your bag to the principal's office and go through it there.
On the subject of everyone seeing your personal items, they do drug searches when people are in classes (you no one can take the drugs out of their lockers...duh...). Besides the police finding something slightly embarrassing, which I can't imagine it's that bad, there really is no reason the police shouldn't be able to search your locker if they have sufficient proof that there's something bad in there (let's hope they don't have a reason to look).
wow @zuitsuit. Thanx for taking a sentence outta the text. First i said if someone else planted drugs in your locker... then its not your fault. If you wanna take a script of something, take it all based on the subject.. And actually have you ever seen how cops search through lockers? They do it right there and then. Carrying it somewhere else just makes it possible for the evidence found to be void... (by dropping, carelessness, fingerprints... etc). And yea so wat if they do it during classes. People have spares. Or they are skipping classes. This created people still wandering the halls, and the likelyhood of them seeing private stuff from someone is very high. All im saying is unles they have a permit they shouldn't be able to search through bags. They can search through lockers, just not bags.
To me this is alot like renting a place. If the guy whos allowing you to rent off him suspects you of drugs, and has some evidence he is allowed to check your room. Now if he finds drugs in the open he can call the police, which then need a permit/warrant. The guy who sees the drugs isn't allowed to check through drawers, bags, clothing, etc... as that is invasion of privacy. So if the principal is checking and starts going through your private stuff, that as well is invasion of privacy. So unless there is a warrant or permit i say they aren't allowed.
Sry for dbl post but @shark Some girls can have some pretty private stuff in purses.. If they are scared of parents finding out, and find that there parents are real assh0les then they tend to keep stuff hidden... which is most likely at a friends, in their purse, or in their locker. So from dild0s to condoms, to birth control it can be quite embarresing for some young teenage girls.
Great Story: So my freshmen year in high school there was a search, they had us all go to the gym and wait while the searched the entire school. It took an hour and a half. It was a Monday morning and they found nothing in the school. The only thing that was found was in a students car. The dogs didn't even need to search. The idiot had a bong on the front seat of his car. It was the only thing found. Almost two hours of school disrupted, one bong. What a waste of time and funds. Ok so maybe not so great of a story but oh well.
when kids enter a school many of their rights are taken away the school has to take those rights away to ensure the safety of the entire school so yes they should be able to search the lockers
i don tthink so because im in middle school and i hate it when they search their lockers.. what if you have something personal and they dont care but tell all the staff?? i hate it
The locker isn't yours. It's a temporary storage area granted to you by the school for books, gym shorts, lunch, and maybe a little love note from your honey...
So you shouldn't really be putting anything in there that you don't want others to find.