Well if anyone hates spammers then we should have a rule that you have to post 6 or more words, for example there should be a device where it only lets you post 6 or more words, another example if you post less than 6 words there will be a message popping up saying: You have posted less then 6 words. There should be like an Ok bottom on the bottom of message. This is an extremely good way to keep out spammers.
This is great idea but and even better idea would be to take out the 2 AP for every comment that someone posts that way people will know that they won't get any points so there's no point in spamming to get those points because they won't get any at all.
like I said before, even though we lower the AP, that will not reduce spam to 0%. Look at kongregate, for example, they have points, and in their game comments, it gives 0 points and people still spam!. So I guess it will be the same here.
well, I guess you're right, copying Kongregate is dumb anyway =(
No matter how you try and block the spam, it will find away around it. It's like water running down hill, no matter how big you build the wall, the water will get over it.
Well all we can do right now is tell the mods if we see spam and let them go from there. And if we took away AP, people would still spam. They just wouldn't get AP.
@ juan for invisible start button thing and to every one I think that you should use at least one good vocabulary word in each or your post Example: Brilliant
@ juan for invisible start button thing and to every one I think that you should use at least one good vocabulary word in each or your post Example: Brilliant
Can you tell me how the server can identify it? One word will still be spamming. In my opinion it should be 7 words least.