Why can't Armor Games use something like phpBB or vBulletin, among many, many other popular forum software packages? This forum is clean looking and simple, but it lacks basic functionality that everyone else in the world is used to using.
Seriously, I haven't seen worse forum software anywhere else. This one takes the cake for lack of basic functionality. No offense to the devs of this site, as I'm sure it was rewarding and fun to create this forum software. Yet, why re-invent the wheel when it's been done before, let alone done FAR better.
Some of the 'basic functionality' you speak of here may in fact have been excluded on the basis of policy. For the rest though, you may refer to Cenere's reply.
Also I'm pretty sure that "no offence" isn't a catch-all for offensive expression.
The responses make sense so far; people do get defensive about crap just because they use it.
As for "excluded on the basis of policy", I guess being able to quote people easily is too much of a security risk, lol. I can't select multiple lines for a quote when they're broken into paragraphs, and there's no way to have the forum software automatically quote people.
Oh, Strop (I'm still laughing)... thanks for correcting my title from "Why does this forum stink?" to "Lack of basic functionality in forms". You spared the tender minds of all of the kiddies here from the grossly offensive word "stink". Heaven forbid they should ever feel slightly offended. Gees. This whole place is run by kiddies who fell that people shouldn't express themselves lest they be slightly offended. Grow up everyone who supports this thinking and walk into the real world now and then.
Ok, feel free to ban my account and lock this thread if I've *gasp* offended people with my expressed thoughts, lol. I don't think I want to spend time here anyways.
Hmm, I guess it would make you more a person, if you were able to express yourself without highlights, shiny text and linethroughs... I am a "Kiddy" too? I have been on alot of forums, and I do not really miss any of the other's functions. I still only use bold, italics and the like. As for the quotation system, then it makes you think before you post, if you have to make a lot of quotes. Then instead of posting "I agree" after every quote, then there should be more reason to actually make a prober reply. Or use the @user, instead.
Hmm, I guess it would make you more a person, if you were able to express yourself without highlights, shiny text and linethroughs...
You lost me there in the comparison. The basic functionality that this forum lacks is:
1.) Editing your own posts (when something doesn't work quite right in the layout)
2.) Deleting your own posts (when editing functionality doesn't exist)
3.) Preview before posting, so we don't look like jack***s.
4.) Quoting. Only manual copy and paste with BB tags work. Even then, can't select multiple paragraphs at one time.
5.) Search. Everyone will repeat topics because no one can find anything.
6.) Tracking/watching. No one can watch or track threads that interest them.
7.) Word wrap. If someone posts a bit of code without whitespace, even something as simplistic as a Shift 3 level), it doesn't line break. The least that could be done is to have the text area of that post auto scroll with a simple CSS property and value, scroll: auto;
8.) No way to link to individual post IDs except to copy the post ID from the report flag.
And on, and on. I could fill an entire document on this if I felt it was worth my time
Preview and editing is being considered, deleting is actually there (ask a mod), quoting I have mentioned, search though google, since the search did not work when it was here, if you want to track a thread, then make a link to it in your profile, then you can find it yourself...
I too miss the edit/delete function, but there is always the option to look through the post yourself...
Cenere, if people have to go through that much trouble to use this forum, what's stopping them from going to another flash game dev-site/portal and using a better forum? Fact is, this forum is hurting Armor Games' ability to attract casual visitors. You can't track how many potential community members Armor Games lost due to shoddy forums.
1.) Editing your own posts (when something doesn't work quite right in the layout) [quote]3.) Preview before posting, so we don't look like jack***s.
We might get that eventually. It has been suggested a lot, so... When the site developer gets around to it, he'll presumably try to implement it. Remember that ArmorGames is a relatively new site, programmed from scratch. 2.) Deleting your own posts (when editing functionality doesn't exist)[/quote]I believe the reason for those two not being implemented, is because some spammers might use it to avoid their punishment... I miss it only sometimes, it's not really that needed. Just learn to say everything you need to say at once, and proofread before you post. Problem solved.
4.) Quoting. Only manual copy and paste with BB tags work. Even then, can't select multiple paragraphs at one time.
It is perfetly possible to select multiple paragraphs for quoting. I do it all the time. Occasionally my touchpad won't let me, but I have no problems when I'm using my stylus for it.
5.) Search. Everyone will repeat topics because no one can find anything.
I think they are working on getting the forum search back. A lot of users miss it, but it was too unspecified when it was here. That is why it was taken out.
6.) Tracking/watching. No one can watch or track threads that interest them.[quote]Copy/paste a link to the thread and store it in your About. Or just remember where it is.
The last two I actually think would be nice to have... Especially the link to a certain post, it would help the quoting. The word wrap isn't really needed, though. the text can still be copy/pasted, and if it's written without spaces it is probably not meant for actual reading anyway.
[quote]Cenere, if people have to go through that much trouble to use this forum, what's stopping them from going to another flash game dev-site/portal and using a better forum? Fact is, this forum is hurting Armor Games' ability to attract casual visitors. You can't track how many potential community members Armor Games lost due to shoddy forums.
Just means a lot of the ones who stay here are more dedicated. But the forums will improve in the future, no doubt about that. ArmorGames is, as I've said, a pretty new site.
I could really use a preview button right now... Oh well, in the future.
Haha, I knew I'd screw up some of the quoting. This is why so many want an edit button... To prevent double posts like this one. I assume you're able to understand my post despite the fail quoting.
If you're happy with sub-par things, then by all means, revel in it. Just don't expect everyone else to be satisfied with it. There's a standard for basic forum functionality that is implied and often expected, and fact is, Armor Games is WAY below that standard. Like it or hate it, it doesn't really matter, because the fact still remains.
Did you notice the remark about the site still being developed? Things will change and get better... But... Well, there certainly seem to be plenty of people who doesn't miss most of those functions...
P.S. I don't think the title got edited to censor. I think it was more of a... 'Don't be so hostile' kind of thing. I've seen worse titles be left as they were.
I'd have to agree with both cipher_nemo and Cenere and Zophia, There are some things that nemo said that are really true about the forums, I think that we do need a better quoting system, but I wouldn't agree with a delete and edit post because the fact is, there would just be too many spammers erasing the evidence of their spam just as Zophia said. Also, nemo does have a good point, we should have an option to track threads, that would be a pretty cool addition.
I think this already needs to get locked. We have suggested may ideas that are possibly going to work but for now act mature and don't be begging for more. AG just started with new features. Give us a break will ya?
If you're happy with sub-par things, then by all means, revel in it.
I don't really understand. You come into our forums, insult us, basically call it crap to several moderators, and try to defend yourself? Just leave, for the love of God, just leave.