Ok I thought that a review for this game was long overdue because of its surprising difficulty so here is a fully typed step by step walkthrough of the game that I made took a long time so please enjoy and I hope this helps you out!
Here is a small key Left=The left turn arrow(the button on the left) Flip=The up-down arrow in the center Right=The right turn arrow(the button on the right) *When I write (eg.)left X # it means repeat that action as the number states
Level 29 Step One-Left X 2 Step Two-Flip Step Three-Left X 3
Level 30 Step One-Flip Step Two-Right X 5
Ok here is a full walkthrough of Gravity Grid it took a long time due to its complexity my hope is that you did not use this for the full game but instead just as a guidline I you are stuck on a level or two and just want to finish the rest and I hope you enjoy this I hope to become a great source for puzzle/skill game walkthroughs in the future! -Shadow5934