ForumsGame WalkthroughsHint For Sony- 5000 avg hit

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Have you labored over killing the paladin...then finally killed him and just can't beat ignition? Well I suggest that you go back and kill the Galiant the Paladan a few more times. The Second time around is always easier because you will have another partner, I always choose Amber. With Amber you deal about an extra 500 damage.
You should be able to kill the paladin in 2 hits at first...just club him with a level 1 sunder and then max Coup de Grace. If you do not kill him fast enough then throw in a break after the sunder.
This probably in most likelihood will not work on the first time around facing the paladin, but will work with Amber. Now that you can kill the paladin in 2 hits, you will be able to kill him multiple time in a short amount of time. First gear out Veradaux with full paladin armor, besides his sword. Now every time you get a repeat of his armor...just click on it, click on abilities...without unclicking the armor, Then click on either vitality, strength, etc. Anywhere inside that small black box will do.
Every time you do that it adds the armors stats to your armor...+15 electric piercing and the magic bonus is basically what is going to make this happen. You will get bored eventually because you will one shot him after killing him about 10 times, with Electric bolt of course.
Now you have repeated the step atleast 20 times...a boring but short process...but now equip two electric bolts to your skill ring and they should hit about 4-6k each time. This is a 2 shot kill for Ignition...and kills the third boss easily, also the fourth.
Now enjoy your high hits, even your quick strike should average about 2-3k hits.Plus you get to see your poison piercng meter go off the screen...which kind of sucks to see because there are no poison skills which you can use, only Veradaux can.


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230 posts

Well i suggest you just go train in the training zone 4. Go's a lot faster

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