From shoot 'em up guy 1: "I am dead serious, you are finished" guy 2: " Say that again" guy 1: " I am Dead.." guy 2: " STOP...youre right now" (shot and kill)
Oh god, I despise that quote because it started the whole "your mom" jokes. I have always hated your mom jokes because usually the people who say them lack intellectuality because they can't think of anything else to say. Why not say something smart that completely owns whoever you are trying to insult, instead of standing there with a stupid look on your face saying "uhhh ur mom blahhhhh *drool*".
Anyways, i just wanted to get that out of my system, I'll come back with a movie quote later
I have quite a few. Um, ANYTHING V says in V for Vendetta, and this quote from War. Japanese Yakuza- If this were Japan, you'd be dead. John Crawford- This isn't Japan. ((John shoots the yakuza))
xD it was amazing
hmm . . . im going to think of another one. Oh Yeah. Eddie Murphy's Delirious ((In a deep, Clint Eastwood-y voice, imitating his mother)) "Why'd you eat the ice cream off the floor."
Taken from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Indiana Jones was rescuing his father, when a soldier comes in and says,'' Mr.Jones'' Indiana Jones and his father with their hands up say simultaneously,''Yes?'' Soldier says,''I will take the book.'' Indiana and his Father look at each other and both say,''What book?''
Oops, forgot these two. John McClane ((The Die Hard series)) "Yippee-Ki-Yay motherf***er" and Romeo Must Die Silk- Guns don't kill people. People kill people. I think his name was silk. o.0 Well theres countless others. Oh yeah anything from Pulp Fiction. See? I should stop now.
"ok dad lets say i get out of the shower right, and shes sees me naked, imagine this my pubes running down my chest like a V all the way down to my ball fro and she thinks damn? and makes moves on me"