by tobacco i mena ciggerates in general. I belive they should be illegal because they cause so much death even from second hand smoking. i know peolpe go nuts without there nicotine but they have gum and patches that will help. i want to know your opinions on this subject at hand. (wether or not it should be illegal and why)
See? I am awesome at this economic stimulus thing. Fix one problem, then that causes the solution to another problem. I should be the US president. Pfft, it is all so easy.
...No! How dare you accuse me of wanting to bring destruction to the pitiful spawn we call humans.
Besides, I am a little bit colour blind and would trouble finding the red button. Probably would end up hitting the green one and solving global warming. Yeah, there is a button for that.
I just can't say that I agree with any substance that is so addicting. I don't even drink coffee in the morning, because I don't want to become dependent on needing to have it every morning. I can't imagine spending my money on an addictive substance. I am a poor college student, even if I wanted to, I wouldn't have the resources to fund such a thing.
Pssh. But crack is so cheap! I mean...No! Drugs are bad, kids.
I see where you are coming from. It can be very difficult to be low on money, and decide whether to get a pack of smokes or two meals. I have been there, and when I was a real fiend always chose the smokes over the meals. But that was just me.
Haha, yes. Food is nice. But when you are young, maintain the same weight no matter what it seems and are constantly boozing it up with friends...Smokes seem the better choice. And hey! If you gamble on some of the drinking games, they can pay for even more smokes!
Oh not me! I am such a fan of good food, I would much rather spend money on that than other things! If I had to choose one of the 7 deadly sins to describe myself, it would be gluttony. I just truly appreciate good food. And my roommates and I bake A LOT. Mmm... cookies! Its a wonder how we are thin?!
Being a youth that grew accustomed to drinking and smoking at the same time becomes a slimming but costly habit. Bloody expensive. I think a lot of people have the same problem. Must be some conspiracy. Hmm...
Oh, and I am typing all this smokeless and tipsy. Which might of fueled all of this.
I think I got the hit with the lucky stick. Can't stand the taste of alcohol (before you say, "hey wait, you're underage!" let me tell you I'm Jewish. It's like Christmas roast for us, part of the ceremony.), and the whole "Don't do drugs" thing got through to me. None of that stuff has any appeal to me. As for cigarettes, well... I'm an asthmatic. I'd have to be terminally stupid to realize that it wouldn't be a deathwish.
I smoke. I really wish I didn't. Stupidest thing I ever did, bar none. I don't even want to consider all the money I've wasted over the years on this habit.
Smokers are addicts. Period. No different than the person strung out on some other drug, when it gets right down to it.
I support a ban on tobacco. There isn't one single positive associated with it. Not one.
@ Pfhortipfhy With most people, alcoholics is an acquired taste, along with coffee.
A ban on tobacco would: Undermine some economies Force people addicted to.. Go to rehab? Possibly cause a rebellion (look at what the eighteenth amendment did) Further restrict freedom Repeal some people's enjoyment Start another illegal smuggling system (as if the police didn't have enough problems with drugs)
My personal take on cigarettes: Bad. Young people are tricked into them for life.