COMPILATION OF RICKROLLS! Not a complete list, but enough to make you run away screaming if you are ordered to watch through all of them.
RickRoll'D The ultimate classic. The URL most experienced rickrollers instantly recognize, and which is on it's way to 12000000 views on youtube. Don't use this one if you really want people to click it. We knooow about its URL.
Rickroll metal remix I think this one is actually rather awesome. The "song" is absolutely horrendous, but the music really goes well with a nice shade of metal.
ten minute rickroll Yeah, uhm... Long rickroll. Really long. No one is stupid enough to listen to the whole thing. But it exists, and as it says in the comment box "If someone linked you to this, it means that person hates you." Not that I hate any of you. :P
RICKROLL´D Indian Style This one is just plain old weird. Remix, not particularly good. The music and song is from something completely different, but the lip sync is somewhat decent. Not worth linking to, though.
You have been SUPER-RICKROLL´D! As the title says... SUPER RICKROLL'D! It has a better sound quality than the standard rickroll, I think. Also, it has funny little comments rolling over the screen throughout the whole video. This is definitely my favorite youtube-rickroll. If you must watch a rickroll, watch this one.
Rickroll Rickroll'd This is basically the classic one again, but with a slightly less known URL. Also, it rickrolls itself at the very beginning. It's odd.
Rickroll'd... The classic again. But we know we have to vary the URL.
Rickroll'd d'llorkciR WEIRDEST RICKROLL EVER. It plays backwards and forwards at the same time, and the video is just... Druggy. Worth taking a brief look at! But might give you a headache, the sound is weeeeeird...
alternate Rickroll A completely different Rick Astley music video that also claims to be a rickroll.
Stereo RickRoll'd! Lol, stereo sound. If you wanna give you rickrolling victims a proper sound experience, this is the one to trick them with. (At this point I've watched so many rickrolls that I'm starting to really like the song, and - think Rick Astley is strangely cute. Someone help me cure this, plz?)
RickRoll'd ! Worst rickroll ever. Seriously. It's not even a rickroll. It's just some lame person that named a music video rickroll. I'm not even sure why I'm listing it.
You got Rickrollerized - Rickroll remix Riskroll - now as rickrollerizing. It's a remix. Not particularly good, but not bad either. Kind of dance music like...
RickRoll´d Actually not a rickroll. Just some person who decided they'd give their five cents of interpretation of the lyrics. It has the original music, but the video is replaced by a displaying of the lyrics, with the uploader's "funny" comments. If you ever wondered what the actual text to it is, watch this. Or google for the lyrics.
Rick Astley (RickRoll) -- Never Gonna Give You Up Classic rickroll, no fancy things. I'll copy/paste it's descriptive text, though: Rick Astley's career may be a thing of the past, but his hit song is very much alive. Play a prank on your friends by performing a RickRoll. All you have to do is call them and play this song over the phone. At that point, they'll be pretty confused, but you've achieved something that so many others of your time have yet to conquer. RickRoll'ing is the prank of the future, so be a part of the future... TODAY! Or, just send them a link like the rest of us.
RickRoll'd by the worst Astley remix EVER! According to the descriptive text, you're a legend if you survive listening to the whole thing. Personally, I think it sounds rather awesome, at least for the first minute and a half. The rest is a bit too distorted, but I listened to it. So I guess I'm a legend after that standard.
Rickroll Yet another copy of the classic one. Has a bit of flimsical text in it, but nothing special.
You've Been RickRoll'D A clean classic too... With a slight remixing, and it cuts off early. Nothing special (how many standard rickrolls does youtube have???).
Rickroll'd Video: Hey, guess what? You weren't supposed to click on this on purpose. You're supposed to link it to someone >_> Me: D: But I iz collectung ze rickrollz!
RICKROLLED! And another. I wonder if anyone knows how many there really is...
How not to get rickrolled Basically, this is just another standard rickroll. It just tries to fool you with the title.
How NOT To Get RickRoll'D Oops, wrong vdeo! The kid is kind of cute, though. In a very - egh, why are you bothering me way. If you haven't realized it, every video claiming to be telling you how NOT to get rickrolled, will attempt to rickroll you.
How to Avoid Getting RickRoll'd Well... What do you think it is? It starts out with plain text, but step one in how to not get rickroll'd is *surprise* a RICKROLL.
Now for the more or less awesome rickroll related things...
Piano Rickroll also available at this URL. That is the most awesome rickroll I've ever seen. When I get my hands on a keyboard again, I will need to learn this.
Rickroll'd My school Now that's an original way of rickrolling a lot of people at once.
RickRoll'D The Movie It's better to be rickroll'd than thriller'd. ... Just watch it.
Rickroll: The Movie I like this one better. This is why you memorize the URLs!!!
@thepossum: Lol, and now you're spreading it! D: Seriously, I was stuck on that page for quite a while (one and a half full rickroll, approximately)... I had opened it in a new tab, so I couldn't get rid of it before I finally remembered the close tab shortcut... And then there was the popup messages... >_<
Haha, Wow, Zophia, That's cool of you to take the time to do this, Plus even though they knew they were getting it you just rick roll'd about 25 people.
Haha, Wow, Zophia, That's cool of you to take the time to do this, Plus even though they knew they were getting it you just rick roll'd about 25 people.
I know, it's amazing! And this was really a waste of time, but I figured enough fun would come out of it so that it would end up being worth it. ^^