When you start out on the first battle don't even attack, just skip every turn until you die(shortest life is assasin i think). then you will see all the zones pass by, just click on the map and go to any. Next go to zone 4 and the final battle, when you enter it just skip a turn and you automatically win it!! and you gained a level! If it worked on Kong i'm sure it will work on AG
Cheze. At least he came up with something. Who cares if you don't like this game, maybe 1,000,000 others do. This is kind of helpful for all of the people out there.
Cool cheat, except then it becomes pointless as you can't fight anything (In training fights the enemy's HP becomes NaN, and so does their level, and when it's their turn they don't do anything.)
Only reccommend it if you just want to get the acheivment on Kong.