A traditional, house-hold favorite of my clan's forum games, the up, side, down, game. Here are the rules:
Rule #1:
^ = Answering someone's question
< = What you are currently doing now, or what you have done recently
V = Your very own question that the user below you will answer
Rule #2: Do NOT post "also" questions! This means that: e.g. You are drinking a glass of tea, so you would ask the question, "also drinking tea?" This is a giant no-no among my people. Be creative!
Rule #3: This is not a truth-or-dare game! Do not post questions that will make the user uncomfortable, such as sexual questions, or those that the below user deems inappropriate. So don't ask these questions please.
Rule #4: Of course, do not flame, spam, or abuse. Typical rule in every thread.
Since I'm the starter, I cannot ask a question, so...
<: Posting this thread
V: Are you going to watch the new movie Twilight at 12:00 AM, or when the crowd is smaller?
^ I don't *hate* them, but I don't really like them either. < It's not nice to hate on certain players. V What's your favorite language beside one you speak fluently?
^ Russian, I always pretend to speak it and I am known well in my school for making the best Russian accent ever ^ Lunch < I know its not.. I just want to see if more people dislike Fluffeh as much as I do... V least favorite language?
^ German. It's so harsh. Although its harsh-ness is cool too. I don't know. < First time I've seen you substitute "y" with "eh" at the end of a word. V Do you like text talk?
^ Used to use it all the time... Don't anymore though... < Uzing Chat tok... lol I knoz chat talkz cos i chat wit mai frends on scaip with chat lol V Band you most dis-like?
^ Actually, I used to like Paramore, but their "thanks" page super religious. It's like, "thanks to my dear lord Jesus, he's helped me through everything. And their songs are whiney, too. < That's really confusing, DV. V What do you think is better in text: appearance or content?
He is an ignorant and annoying person that gets 5 people for each of his Idiotic RPGs when I research and work up my RPGs for months and all I get is one or two players that abandon the RPG! He also interrupted my RPG saying I should put more llamas in it and I thought he was cynical at first but he continued being a *****!
^ Ag'adir... Israeli BBQ restaurant known as the best BBQ on Israel.. First time I went there was when 3 years old and last time was well.. When I left Israel... Its more than a restaurant to me... Its a part of my childhood, going to the beach every two weeks and then eating a burger at Ag'adir... My family was so well known there we started getting free onion rings and we once got a free meal... < Remembering Ag'adir... Longing for Israel V Best country (except US)?