Tips: 1.stay alert!!!!to achiev a perfect award you must always stay alert of what keys come to the fret board.
2.keep your eyes peeled!!!!you must do this because blinking your eyes will result you a mistake or failure.possibly this is only done by few people cuz of the radiation the com. gives.
3.concentrate!!!!the most important of all!!!all you need to do is concentrate as if nothing is around you.
4.i suggest to not use the guitar type mode so do not use the guitar type mode cuz this will distract you in pressing what notes to press.well you can do it if your mastered like me. not stress out....keep in peace.dont think of losing.just think of winning.
Guitars: 1.North Star:changes the fret board color to yellow. 2.Ripper:changes the fret board to back and the screen red. 3.Demonstring:changes the fret board to light yellow. 4.Viayla:changes the fret board to maroon and the screen brown. 5.Death Note:changes both screen and fret board to light black. 6.Key-Board:changes both screen and fret board to dark black. 7.Dusty:changes the fret board to maroon and the screen to light brown. 8.Trip:changes the fret board to silver and the screen to light blue. 9.Infinitium:changes the fret board to white and the screen to red. 10.Holy Hell:changes the fret board to black and the screen to white.
Songs: 1.In Your Eyes by Verax Difficulty:Simple Length37 Genre:Rock
2.Chaos Within by Tatsu Takahashi Difficulty:Simple Length10 Genre:Rock
3.The Instrumental Song by DTG Difficulty:Tricky Length20 Genre:Rock
4.Nobody Else by Noise Pollution Difficulty:Tricky Length25 Genre:Punk
5.All Day Comfort by SWiTCH Difficulty:Tricky Length21 Genre:Punk
6.The Fade by Setu Firestorm Difficulty:Hard Length49 Genre:Rock
7.Lick Up The Honey by AQUILA Difficulty:Hard Length54 Genre:Indie Rock
8.Train Wreck by Noise Pollution Difficulty:Complex Length29 Genre:Punk
9.Speedfreak by Eliminator Difficulty:Complex Length27 Genre:Metal
10.Mars Bars And Mentos by Yapperface Difficulty:Complex Length45 Genre Melodic Rock
11.Switch vs Evil-Dog Round 2 Difficulty:Crazy Length00 Genre:Punk
12.Plan A by Nick Crockett Difficulty:Crazy Length07 Genre:Melodic Rock
13.Betreyal Of Fate by Goukisan Difficulty:Crazy Length53 Genre:Melodic Rock
14.Asshole! by Evil-Dog Difficulty:InSaNIty!!!!! Length:????? Genre:Punk
Other Informations: Sorry to all but no SCGMD4 will be made......sorry. Download SCGMD3 for a better game play.
Secrets: Butterfingers:get 1000 mistakes in one song. Minimalist:dont click anything or key or not on one song.