hey hey hey their bias evened out to 45% on both pres candidates MSNBC had obama at 72% and mccain at thirty somthing
Did you get that information from FOX News? Seriously? FOX tried to convince the general public that a fist bump between President Obama and his wife Michelle was a terrorist gesture.
They also feature regular interviews with people who claim that he is the next Hitler and the Anti-Christ, but do not have any empirical evidence whatsoever.
All of the left-leaning media sources combined aren't half as biased as FOX is, sorry.
MSNBC devoted it's time to tearing down Palin no matter how ridiculous or stupid the fake accusations were.
That is why she got such a bad Rep >.>
Did you not see any of her interviews? The lady didn't know any Supreme Court cases she wanted to repeal besides Roe v. Wade. She couldn't name a single newspaper that she read, and rambled on more than Ms. South Carolina.
Did you not see any of her interviews? The lady didn't know any Supreme Court cases she wanted to repeal besides Roe v. Wade. She couldn't name a single newspaper that she read, and rambled on more than Ms. South Carolina.
Then she called Katie Couric a nobody, come on she can't even name a newspaper and got mad at Tina Fey who did a dead on impersonation.
So you say that news in America sucks? If that is the case, news in the Philippines also sucks. All they talk about is corruption, scandals, controversy and especially annoying news about celebrities. That is why I watch CNN. I do not have Fox where I stay so I cannot say much about it. BBC is also great but like Ricador said, their accents are irritating.