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For everyone who plays the game made by Xgenstudios called 'stick Role Playing game' Aka. stick rpg, here is an in-depth guide I wrote for it.
Stick RPG
A. Intro
B. Characters
C. Starting
A. Working your way up
B. Getting sleepy?
C. Political career
A. Gambling
B. Karma
C. Other stuff
A. Note from the author
B. Contact me
C. Credits
The first thing you should know about stick rpg is that it is a fun game and there is no easy way to get rich. Of course I believe my way is very close to easy.
A few important characters are you (duh), the kid who wants smokes (on the corner by your house) the guy who sells cocaine (between the pawn shop and the convenience store) the guy outside the bar and of course the narrator (pretty much all the characters and some other messages)
To move use you cardinal directions (the number pad left makes your guy go left right makes him go right etc.) pretty much everything else is operated by your mouse if you want to talk to someone or accept or decline something you use your mouse and that’s pretty much it so now onto when you actually start the game
OK when you’re starting you have have 3 options start, continue, instructions pick start it will bring you to a new game which asks you how long you want to play for pick unlimited and press done now for the name if you make you name HEYZEUS!!!! (Including the!!!!) You will start off with all your stats 555 and 10 thousand dollars but if you don’t want to use that cheat you don’t have to once your done with the name you pick your stats I prefer to get lots of intelligence but that is up to you (if you use HEYZEUS!!!! It wont matter it will all be 555) ok you can watch the intro or skip it right now that you are started if you pick HEYZEUS!!!! You should go to your house (the apartment on the right) and click on the car outside it to hotwire it. If your not a cheater you start off with 100 bucks go to the convenience store (near the bottom of the map) and buy a pack of smokes and give them to the kid on the corner by your house he’ll give you a skateboard so you can go faster if you press shift while you walk and if you got the car you can press c well you walk the next part of this guide is the guide for HEYZEUS!!!! Users if you’re not using it then just skip it and read ahead to the guide for the non-cheaters
WORKING YOUR WAY UP (cheater version)
OK cheaters, the first thing you should do is get a job at new lines incorporated (don’t worry your 555 intellect will take care of it) and once you get the ceo position work for the rest of the day and then go home and go to sleep the next day there are some things to do, go to the pawn shop buy everything and then go back in to buy ammo for the gun then go up to the convenience store and buy as many caffeine pills as you can then work for the rest of the day the next day you wake up you’ll notice you have the whole day! Go work 4 times to get 2400 do this until you get about $135000 then purchase the mansion from the bank (go to real estate) Oh and if your interest is 2.0 or more when you go to the bank just deposit your money and keep sleeping until there’s a million in there it only takes about 5 minutes but you have gotta be luck with interest but lets say you didn’t have high interest and you have the mansion and an extra 35000 go to the furniture store south of your house then buy all 4 items leave and buy the next 4 items then sleep. For 444 days to be exact since you have the mansion and all its upgrades your stats will each go up by one when you sleep so know you have a mansion and all your stats 999 not bad ok now its time for real work your house is closer to work and if you checked your messages on your 365th day you will have noticed you got a new car so you can easily go to work once you get 50000 deposit then work again then get another 50000 then deposit once you get about 150000 you never have to work again (thank god)
GETTING SLEEPY (cheaters version)
Now put it all in the bank and sleep for days check it each 10th day until you have 750000 (shouldn’t take too long) now go to real estate buy the castle now go check your messages you should have been nominated for president once you get to that message DON’T DELETE IT!! Press ok and spend 200000 on your campaign then you will win now its time for easy bucks
POLITICAL CAREER (cheater version)
You know make 5000 when you sleep so just keep sleeping until you have 200000 deposit it then start sleeping until you get 100000 then deposit again once you’ve deposited around 500000 you’re making MASSIVE interest right now I have $5279370090 and it was easy only about 10 million of that was from being president the rest was all interest now that you’re making such big bucks congratulate yourself give yourself a pat on the back and then do whatever you want go to bar fights, gamble, rob, sell drugs, sleep its all up too you the rest is your own choice of course if you choose to make decisions like rob banks give smokes to the kid your karma will decrease and you will slowly turn red of course all of the choices given in this guide is just my opinion on the best way to be successful in stick rpg you could have a completely different opinion on it and that’s ok this is strictly my opinion on how to be success ful on stick rpg
WORKING YOUR WAY UP (non cheater version)
OK non cheaters, the first thing you should do is get a job at new lines incorporated if you intelligence isn’t already 20 study at u of s (university of stick) and get it to twenty then go to sleep now go work for the day then go back to sleep now go to classes until you run out of money then study now if your intelligence isn’t already forty go study ok now go get a promotion and work until you get 2 thousand bucks. OK now that you have 2k go to the pawn shop buy the cd alarm clock then go to the drug shop and buy as many caffeine pills as you can afford now work for the rest of the day go to sleep. Now you’ll notice you have the whole day to work! So work for 2 days then spend the rest of your money on classes and once you run out of money for classes study until your intelligence is 75 then get a promotion and work for a few days so you have money to pay for classes so now repeat this process (try to get a promotion whenever you can it will tell you how much intelligence you need for the next one) once your intelligence is 250 go to new lines incorporated and become ceo you know make 100 dollars an hour (2400 per day)if you run out of caffeine pills buy more and now come s the hard part keep working until you get 135000 then check your bank if the interest is 2.0 or more deposit it and wait 20 days by then you should have close to a million and can ignore the next few parts of this but if not go to the bank and choose purchase real estate and purchase the mansion then got to the furniture store and purchase all four items leave it then buy the next four now your charm strength and intelligence go up while you sleep!
GETTING SLEEPY (non cheaters version)
Now I know this sounds hard but sleep until all your stats are 999 if your quick you can do it in 15 min-1 hour once your done that you must go back to working (aww man) work until you get about 150000 then deposit it and interest will come and get you the $750000 you need then here comes the easiest part check your messages you should have a few if you haven’t checked them in a while you’ll have a nomination for president now DON’T CLICK ERASE MESSAGE! Once you’ve read it click ok then choose spend 200000 on campaign now you win here comes the easy part
POLITICAL CAREER (non cheater version)
You know make 5000 when you sleep so just keep sleeping until you have 200000 deposit it then start sleeping until you get 100000 then deposit again once you’ve deposited around 500000 you’re making MASSIVE interest keep sleeping and depositing and checking and you will make it big right now I have $5279370090 and it was easy only about 10 million of that was from being president the rest was all interest now that you’re making such big bucks congratulate yourself give yourself a pat on the back and then do whatever you want go to bar fights, gamble, rob, sell drugs, sleep its all up too you the rest is your own choice of course if you choose to make decisions like rob banks give smokes to the kid your karma will decrease and you will slowly turn red of course all of the choices given in this guide is just my opinion on the best way to be successful in stick rpg you could have a completely different opinion on it and that’s ok this is strictly my opinion on how to be successful on stick rpg
Gambling can play an important part in the game for some players. There are three choices you have when you gamble you can play Blackjack, Roulette, or slot machine
Blackjack: The objective is to try to get higher then the dealer if you do this your bet is doubled you have two options hit (ask for another card) or stick (hope your current cards beat the dealer)
Slot Machine: Pretty straight forward click on the lever to spin and place a bet if you get 3 in a row you win
Roulette: Pick some numbers place your chips on and hope they win (I don’t really understand it a better explination would be appreciated you can contact me at
Karma plays an important roll in the game karma can decide your decisions or be raised or lowered with your decisions if your karma was 100 when you ran for president you would have became dictator. If you have negative karma you turn red if you have positive karma your guy turns white the ways to get and lose Karma are
1. Give money or booze to the hobo outside the bar
2. Go to work
3. Go to school
4. Watch T.V.
1. Rob the bank or convenience store
2. Smoke
3. Give smokes to the kid
4. Kill the kid with to many smokes
5. Sell drugs
OK you’ve got a billion dollars all your stats are 999 what can you do? Lots of things! You can sell drugs, kill the kid with two many smokes, see how strong the people get in bar fights, see what happens when you get past 9999 health, write a strategy guide for it, and of course you can just keep getting money. So even though there is little more to accomplish for me I still enjoy playing and seeing if I can become one of the best players!
Hello, this is Derry and I really hope my strategy guide helped you with your srpg playing I hope you did what you could and are now a millionaire and as I said in my strategy guide this is just my opinion on how to do great on this game please email me at with comments complaints or concerns or if there is something missing or some fact that is wrong thank you just by reading this you are helping me if this strategy guide can help just one person I’ll consider it a success!
You can contact me Derry at if you think this guide is missing something thank you
Special Thanks-My cousin for getting me hooked on this game
I hope you enjoyed reading this guide as much as I had writing Derry
- 62 Replies
this is one of the best walkthroughs in the universe and will be FOREVER!!!!!!!!
Man, this is the greatest guide I have ever read. Thanks for choosing AG to share this with.
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