Anybody know any hints/tips for HOW RPG?I'm a magician level 21, and I am doin quests fightin people way higher than my level, and i just want to know, is there a faster way to level?I need to level to get higher ranked abilities.Also could someone give a list of armor sets and what to train attributes(INT,FOCUS,STR,ECT.)
As an RPG, Hands of War isn't very complex. If you're a wizard, I'd say that you should level INT, FOC, and VIT. Agility is optional, maybe one or two points and then that's it.
Levelling is relatively simple compared with other games. Just kill enemies (if you're a wizard, melee soldiers/blademasters are always easiest) and complete quests, and levelling should be relatively quick.
I would have to disagree with that Alpha... warriors should focus almost solely on upgrading int. At later levels in the game, slow mana regen is the major issue and major cause of wasted time. Yes, upgrading str is important, somewhat... but you'll do plenty of damage regardless because of the armor and weapons you have. Trust me, warriors should be upgrading int with at least 50% of their points, str with the rest. vit is useless... you shouldn't ever have HP issues if you know what you're doing.
PS - a video of the final boss battle using the warrior (and the ending shadow runner's location) plus the best armor a warrior can have, all ally status, etc:
Thanks for all the answers everybody.Does anybody have things like melee warriors I can level off?Right now I'm killing those inhuman shadow runner monster things.Lvl 21
It was a good game overall (even tho getting the rep for the last missions was a pain).
Ranger and wiz are definitely the easy ones.
Theres a couple little things that could help new people out.
Item color (like in world of warcraft) This determines how rare something is (and likewise how valuable)
Gold/yellow box and title - Common. These items are found the most often or can be bought in shops Orange - Uncommon. Cant be found in shops, and ussually are better then shop items Red - Rare, pretty damn good! what im using when i cant find purples. Purple - Ultra rare, best in the game
There is no max level, though the monsters goto 30 until the last quest, i believe theres a 32.
Pick alliance or Shadow runners
Pick Merchants or Mercenaries
Pick Trackers / Magicians / Blademasters. I recomend the one that goes with your class (wizard = magicians, Warrior - blademasters, Ranger = trackers) the final mission gives you a purple weapon.
The missions are set in areas around the castle you should be near. First part of the game is the top left, where you start, then bottom left, then bottom middle, bottom right, top middle (except for very top alliance/shadowrunner mission, its lvl 30) then top right.
Max skill rank is 6 (at least for ranger)
For stats, put mainly into the damage stat that effects your class
Warrior = Str Ranger = Agi Wizard = focus
Then spend the rest on what you feel is what you need. Low health? vit, running out of energy? int
I started at a point on the map and marked what missions i had done and worked arcoss as to not miss any. The most rep you can gain/lose from a kill is +/- 5. The men give better money then the cave monsters because of the item drop.
Oh I have two purple items from just doing the quest.Blazzen's stuff.The blazzen's suit thing is lvl 6, but purple.Is it really so rare it's better than all those high lvl things?