First the prehistoric time Do 1 dinasour rider 2 slingshot man Dont buy turrets those are a waste Keep doing this til u have about 4000 exp now level up
now ur in the middel ages if u dont have enough money do archer if u have enough money do a horse rider guy keep doing horse rider with 1 archer behing it or sometin. And when u have enough level uo
I dont know wat the 3 age is called but... if u dont have enough money get mosquteer or wat there called u can buy a turret if u have enough money but i dont. if u have lik 1500 gold buy a canoneer and a mosquteer and level Up
Time from now. now u have army and tanks and aigan if u dont have enough money buy a melee guy get some money and buy a tank or 2 And keep buying tanks Til u level up.
The Future buy normal guyz till u have enough money buy tanks and if u wanna save up allot money buy 1 turret and keep killing them buy another turret. if u just wanna kill them buy some tanks
Well, it's a decent guide. Like said before, your grammar needs some work. Also, the cannons/turrets are good. If you max the turrets, you can basically just use them to go through the game.
One fun thing to do is just use the turrets to kill enemies and save up for a wave of Super Soldiers on the last age. Instant win.