i'm bored and i saw in ag video log agent 86 was so excited to show his face to AGso why not have everyone show their face?it is photography art right?these were taken amonth ago at a car dealership (gettin pontiac grand pris for only 13000)my infamous stop looking at my shirt shirteveryone in my house family hates it so much
It's the cancer like you that is killing AG.
Oh god..... I'm embarrased ok fine here goes...... this is hella old picture (5 months or so) but whatever. I'll post a more recent one MAYBE if I don't get flamed over this one.I hope the image worked.
I never would've guessed that that is you Lt....I just can't.
*Show's Face*
I'll post a more recent one MAYBE if I don't get flamed over this one.
Look, I'm really happy for you and all, but SwordAndShield is the best person to suddenly realize the whole deal with me.If he has.
You just have to know his FaceBook. Plenty of embarrassing pics there.
Seriously 420 have you nothing better to do than just make multiple accounts.And you must be smoking weed, because i don't see a dog in that photo.
LOL ^^^ that's off Dr.Who LOL The Beast
One more attempt....
Umm dudeguyHere ya go bud
if you want to see me just go on my youtube account, here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/user/mnirem1 .
WTF TONYO???? HOW'D YOU STEAL THAT PICTURE FROM MY BEDSID..... I mean, that's not you.Uh oh..... o.O
Lt.You are now gay in my eyes, prove me wrong please.
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