i'm bored and i saw in ag video log agent 86 was so excited to show his face to AGso why not have everyone show their face?it is photography art right?these were taken amonth ago at a car dealership (gettin pontiac grand pris for only 13000)my infamous stop looking at my shirt shirteveryone in my house family hates it so much
If it is straight-up like that one sortoff it, it's actually a hindu symbol.
It's Buddhist, actually. I'm pretty sure it is, anyway. Anyone want to go prove me wrong?
I probably epic failed.
Try again. sigh.
Last time.
I got cha jcrulez
You don't look very 18 to me. How old is this picture?
my friend in school had to do this thing where he had to draw his face but i guess he didnt really understand that so what he did was draw a snake
I'm officially in love.
Posting a picture that is one pixel. You are SO creative. There was absolutely no point in doing that. And no one's going to wonder howe you did that, cause I just spoiled it. Also, should guys want to spam this, here's the URL.
Should probably work for you, jc.
lol it looks like a young dr manhattan!
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