i'm bored and i saw in ag video log agent 86 was so excited to show his face to AGso why not have everyone show their face?it is photography art right?these were taken amonth ago at a car dealership (gettin pontiac grand pris for only 13000)my infamous stop looking at my shirt shirteveryone in my house family hates it so much
O.K.......Zega that was so random it wasn't random, yet so random it was random!!!!
then dont post... i think this thread has officially gone the way of goneness... nobody is being serious anymore, and its not funny anymore to post random pictures like the ones zega had posted...
the ones zega had posted...
Let's see if that works sanny
Naa. lol
Firsthand apology if these are too huge....When you've been up all night and decide to volunteer, this is how we watch the pool...And after a hard, 4 hours long shift of being a lifeguard volunteer, we are juust as perky as ever!
^Me, oh, and I'm at my mom's basement......PFFT!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Hahahaaha, oh boy, nah, that is not me, incase you did not get it. Really this thread is interesting!
This one died for a few days, eh?Well I think firetail should post a pic.
@ShintetsuWA i see there were wheelchairs there, You coulda had some fun with those!
was someone in the wheelchair?
Here's an old pic of me.
My hair was messed up, lol.
This is my friend Obama, and his crazy crew.
That does sound like fun And, Flippin, that pic is definitely worth a good lol.
Thread is locked!