i'm bored and i saw in ag video log agent 86 was so excited to show his face to AGso why not have everyone show their face?it is photography art right?these were taken amonth ago at a car dealership (gettin pontiac grand pris for only 13000)my infamous stop looking at my shirt shirteveryone in my house family hates it so much
Just post what you are comfortable with manta. This is alll I have posted, not exactly my face but me none the less.
:PNice hair and french menu, Pixie.I'll post my massive hand... dang... I forgot my webcam's not working.Oh well, maybe later.
I think the first pic on this thread is more clear than mine.But thanks for the warning.I have one more question in this threadIf someone can help me out, I will reward him 10.000 AP! just kidding.
Thats me, on the left.
go on manta. no need to be afraid of your looks. and dudeguy, the thing didnt show up. i will try it for you.
Heh. Dudeguy, stop posting fake pictures of yourself. We all know everything looks cooler in slow motion. But this thread is, show your face to AG. Not to mention I'm pretty sure you already posted that picture earlier on. :P
Is that true there dudeguy?
Ok, I've decided to overcome my fear of pedobears and judgement.'ere ya go.
That was a long time ago... My hair was still long.
goumas13 I didn't know that you were David Caruso!
Aww Jezz, that's some good coloring. :] Why didn't she post it herself?
And suddenly 1000 pedobears pour out of the deep forests of AG.
What's that supposed to mean, Cholokid? I'm not a pedophile.
That wasn't aimed toward you, sheesh. You ninja'd me. Take it easy.
thanks Flippin :P
Why didn't she post it herself?
Thread is locked!