ForumsWEPRPoor people and Rich people.

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I have seen in tv many shows ( news ) about poor people and rich people.
And i think to myself:"How come rich people get more rich and poor people get more poor?".
It is a situation a little bit strange.
I think that it should not be rich and poor people.
Everyone should be fine (relative to money).
People say that money does not bring health and other things.
It is true but it helps.
Tell me what you think about this.

  • 143 Replies
2,662 posts

The rich people would have better jobs and therefore a higher income.
The poor people would have worse jobs and therefore a lower income.

Obviously, that is what is being discussed, what is your point?
5 posts

Don't forget that many rich people have money in big buisnesses such as insurance companies and stock brokers so they make money off of the little man. When a poor person buys something they usually put money in the ceo of a wealthy companies pocket. And as for other rich people many have old money too which is inherited.

4,871 posts

Don't forget that many rich people have money in big buisnesses such as insurance companies and stock brokers so they make money off of the little man. When a poor person buys something they usually put money in the ceo of a wealthy companies pocket. And as for other rich people many have old money too which is inherited.

243 posts

Drace, I just mentioned that so you wouldn't take offense to anything I was saying. Secondly, to let you know that I understand where you're coming from with your ideas. And finally, so that if anyone says "Drace WTF man, you're crazy commie!", they're just being stupid.

Iono, I find that people are kinda antagonistic towards you because your beliefs on this subject are strongly rooted in Marxist Communism, and they feel that you're offending them. Which, in my opinion, is unfair to you. That's all. I respect your knowledge of the subject, and I feel that other people should as well.

2,662 posts

I respect your knowledge of the subject, and I feel that other people should as well.

He wouldn't be much of a communist if he didn't know much about it's origins and background.
4,871 posts

Just because someone knows a lot about something doesn't make them the thing they know a lot about. I know a lot about cats and *goes and looks in a mirror to see if he has pointy ears* I'm not a cat.

2,662 posts

Just because someone knows a lot about something doesn't make them the thing they know a lot about

That is not was not my point at all.

I know a lot about cats and *goes and looks in a mirror to see if he has pointy ears* I'm not a cat.

Keep the shit jokes to yourself.
3,880 posts

Iono, I find that people are kinda antagonistic towards you because your beliefs on this subject are strongly rooted in Marxist Communism, and they feel that you're offending them. Which, in my opinion, is unfair to you. That's all. I respect your knowledge of the subject, and I feel that other people should as well.

I really don't look at communism here as being a religion I follow. I do not what can be offending. I would believe people are strongly against me because of many years of strong effort in anti-communist propaganda.

But, at least in the United States, the restraining factor to this is the government itself. Our democratic government allows for EVEYRONE to vote, thus playing a role in the rules formed to govern the country, and thus, capitalism itself.

No, just a tiny power everyone has to be affected by propaganda and choose between a one or the other bourgeois/corporatist president while all real power still belongs to the rich. And by electing a president, in no way are you "controlling capitalism" .

You can have a dictatorship (a form of politics) and a captalistic society (a form of economics). The same cannot be said for communism.

A dictatorship capitalist society? Why not? You started off saying that capitalism cannot be mistaken as a form of government. I followed you on that and you come to make this statement which is completely contradictory to your previous.


The rich don't play it fair...
65 posts

The rich indeen dont play fair. How do you think the United State's economy got so messed up? From dumb rich people trying to get there money asap and it messed with the stock market and caused a meltdown. Then guess what it gets even better!! the other rich people gave them billions of dollars to bial the rich people out after they messed up the economy. And hey guess what those rich people did with the billions of dollars given to them... they went and threw parties and went on vacations and the big time CEO's got huge bonuses for doing absolutely nothing. Sound a little unbelieveable? well you better believe it because its really what they did with the money. Rich people gave other rich people with private jets and bilions of dollars billions more dollars so they can go on vacation and throw parties. This my friends is why the poor people keep getting poorer and the rich people keep getting richer because when our country is run by other rich people (republicans) all they worry about is getting their money and not about the people who need help. This is why i am a democrat and of course i voted for Obama because im SO SICK OF REPUBLICANS FUCKING UP MY COUNTRY!!! Hopefully Obama will do good and fix their mess .

3,880 posts

This isn't a Republican vs Democrat thing. In our eyes, Obama is just like any other multi millionaire. His a corporatist that has just the same plans as Mccain. He was just the better liar.

Its the same thing every 4 years. A few rich millionaire comes and preach about how they can make everyone lives better and triggers people's sense of reason off by saying "America is the home of the brave" a few times.

Revolutions seek a change in this system and Obama doesn't give us any hope.

65 posts

Wow ur so cool im just overwhelmed. Id say that moving from a republican president for the past couple terms to a democrat president is a pretty big change. But hey its good that you dont have faith in the person who is going to try and fix our country. Thats the spirt its good to see that ur giving him a chance don't assume that Obama gives us no hope thats just a little bit ignorant.. maybe? idk who cares you can think what you want all i know it that im excited to see a democrat in the office instead of a republican that right there to me seems like a good step in the right direction. But who knows maybe its not and he really is the anti-christ after all lol. I guess we will see in time boys and girls .

3,880 posts

But hey its good that you dont have faith in the person who is going to try and fix our country.

His still going to continue the war in the Middle East and waste tax dollars. He votes for the $700 billion bailout as well.

don't assume that Obama gives us no hope thats just a little bit ignorant.

His a rich corporatist like all the others.

I don't see whats so exciting about a name change. Democrat doesn't sound any cooler anyway.
65 posts

Well you are certainly entitled to ur opinion my friend and tho i dont agree with what ur saying i respect ur opinion.

65 posts

Haha i dont doubt that you are the real G.W.B because it would make sense that he spent all his time in office on AG lol.

243 posts

Drace, what I meant was that capitalism is a form of economics, while communism is both economics and politics. My point was that you can have different political positions (democratic or a dictatorship) as well as capitalism. The same can't be said for communism.

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