Hey, for those having difficulty with the game, I have taken the hints and made them easier to understand.
#0: Don't Move a Muscle = Keep the elephant from moving (just stand still, simple enough)
#1: It's a Jump to the Left = Find a way to move westward (just press the left arrow)
#2: And it's a step to the Ri-i-ight! = Strain yourself to move right (just press the right arrow)
#3: Fight Gravity = Figure out how to jump upwards (press the up arrow)
#4: Elephant Skewers = Hit a spike strip (hit any spike at all in the level)
#5: Ascension = Be lifted into the sky (Use the streaming airflow things)
#6: Lefty = Show love to the left wall. (color all the blocks on the left, the ones that can be touched)
#7: Righty = Show love to the right wall. (color all the blocks on the right, the ones that can be touched)
#8: Purple Ceiling = Hit the top of the hardest level (touch the top of the level)
#9: Rock Bottom = Find the bottom of the easiest level (Touch the floor)
#10: Speedy Downfall = Fall from the top to bottom without stopping (go on the airflow things and fall without hitting a platform all the way to the floor)
#11: Escape Velocity = Go from bottom to top without stopping (use the airflow thing near number 04)
#12: Stalactite = Skewer yourself at high speed on downward facing spikes (meaning jump into one using a airflow lifter)
#13: Stalagmite = Skewer yourself at high speed on upward facing spikes (meaning jump down into the pit from the highest point you can reach)
#14: Found Point 0 = Uncovered secret point 0 (top left corner of the level)
#15: Found Point 1 = Claimed secret point 1 (top right corner of the level)
#16: Found Point 2 = Excavated secret point 2 ( Bottom left corner)
#17: Found Point 3 = Popped open secret point 3 (Bottom, in the middle)
#18: Found Point 4 = Tripped over secret point 4 (Bottom right of the screen)
#19: Found Point 5 = Visited secret point 5 (Dead center of the screen above the spikes)
#20: Bloodhound = Uncovered all points on level (do #15-#19) #21: Floating Corpse = Get a skeleton stuck in a launcher (get a corpse stuck in an airflow thing)
#22: I Can Count to 5! = Visit each point in order (00,01,02,03,04,05)
#23: We Have Liftoff = Visit each point in reverse order (05,04,03,02,01,00)
#24: Airwalking = Stay off the ground for 10 seconds (Go to the top and stay in one of the airflow things until you get the achievement)
#25: Hellbound = Launch corpse to bottom (Hit a spike and make your corpse fall to the bottom)
#26: Heavenbound = Launch corpse to ceiling (best technique is to hit the spikes above your starting zone)
#27: Secret Alcove = Get surrounded by three sides (1) (Near number, to the right and just on the other side of the blocks)
#28: Secret Cave = Get surrounded by three sides (2) (Litteraly the bottom right corner square)
#29: Secret Hideout = Get surrounded by three sides (3) (Completely top right corner square)
#30: Death at 0 = Fire a corpse at Point 0 (Again, use spike above starting zone)
#31: 1 o'clock murder = Fire a corpse at Point 1 (Again, use spike above starting zone)
#32: Get Off Your Seats = Jump for 10 seconds nonstop (just hold down on the jump button until you get the achievement)
#33: Cemetary = Have 5 live corpses on the screen (kill yourself quickly) #34: Graveyard = Have 7 live corpses on the screen (kill yourself even faster)
#39: Longevity = Stay alive for 30 seconds (easy enough)
#40: Gone in a Flash = Die in less 0.23 seconds (Wait for the spikes above where you start and jump to the right/left to hit it while holding up so the moment you die and come back you'll jump again an hit them when they're directly over you)
#41: Wrecking Ball = Hit the center spiked platform (the moving one)
#42: In the Pit = Land a corpse in the pit (jump in the pit)
#43: Pit Hat Trick = Land 3 corpses in the pit (die in the pit 3 times)
#44: 10 Pin Pit = Land 10 corpses in the pit (die in the pit 10 times)
#45: Double Play Pit = Have two corpses in the pit at once (Yea)
#46: Triple Play Pit = Have three corpses in the pit at once (Yea)
#47: Horizontal Confusion = Hold both the left and right keys (Press them down at the same time)
#48: Vertical Confusion = Hold both the up and down keys (Press them down at the same time)
#49: Total Confusion = Space bar has no purpose, dummy (hit the space bar)
#50: My Favourite Spot = Find the developer's favourite spot (On the block that sticks out on the left side of the bottom of the pit)
#51: 60 Seconds = Play for one minute (just stay in the game for 1 minute) #52: 180 Seconds = Play for three minutes (stay in the game for 3 minutes)
#53: 300 Seconds = Play for five minutes (Stay in the game for 5 minutes)
#54: Pi = Hit points 3-1-4 in that order (03,01,04)
#55: THIS IS SPARTA = Hit 3-0-0 in that order (03,00,00)
#56: Meaning of Life = Hit 4-2 in that order (04,02)
#57: (2*125)+3 = Hit 2-5-3 in that order (02,05,03)
#58: 3*(30/(15-13)) = Hit 4-5 in that order (To be combined with hit 0-5 in order)
#59: Paint 10 = Touch 10 blocks (The purple blocks change color after you hit them)
#60: Paint 25 = Touch 25 blocks
#61: Paint 50 = Touch 50 blocks
#62: Paint 75 = Touch 75 blocks
#63: Paint 100 = Touch 100 blocks
#64: Masterpiece = Touch every touchable block (A few are untouchable)
#65: Jet 5 = Hit 5 launchers (Touch five airflow things)
#66: Jet 10 = Hit 10 launchers (Touch ten airflow things)
#67: Master Jetter = Hit every launcher (Hit all of them)
#68: 3 Spikes = Hit 3 stationary spikes (The ones in the pit included)
#69: 7 Spikes = Hit 7 stationary spikes
#70: Spikeful = Hit all stationary spikes
#71: Extreme Makeover = Recolour all areas (Including airflow things)
#72: True Blue = Turn your elephant blue (hit the "1" key)
#73: Shocking Pink = Turn your elephant Pink (hit the "2" key)
#74: Sweet Orange = Turn your elephant orange (hit the "3" key)
#75: Stealth Black = Turn your elephant black (hit the "4" key)
#76: Cheater = Ask for a Hint (click the "Hint?" button at the bottom right of the screen)
#77: Programmers Credit = Enter jmtb02 into level (while playing type jmtb02)
#78: Too Much Contra = Enter Contra level select code (To be typed right after typing jmtb02 otherwise it doesn't work... if you missed it just retype jmtb02)
#79: No Cheese for You = Click the level area (click the screen where you're playing)
#80: Bandwidth Exploiter = Preload the game (done upon loading game)
#81: You Are El = Click the Armor Games link (Bottom left of the screen while playing)
#82: Menu Explorer = Find the main menu (automatically done once game loads)
#83: Quality Snob = Adjust the quality (Click the "Quality" button in the bottom right of the screen)
#84: Scrolliastic = Scroll the achievements section (move the little yellow square next to the achievement up or down)
#85: Play the Game = Start the game (Done upon clicking play)
#86: Get to Level 1 = Play Level 1 (Automatic)
#87: Not Listening = Mute the sound (Click the "Mute" button in the bottom right corner of the screen)
#88: Clink Clash Clink = Found the sponsor screen (Done automatically)
#89: Best Player Ever = Earned an achievement (self explanatory)