ForumsGame WalkthroughsAchievement Unlocked

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2 posts

Hey, for those having difficulty with the game, I have taken the hints and made them easier to understand.

#0: Don't Move a Muscle = Keep the elephant from moving (just stand still, simple enough)

#1: It's a Jump to the Left = Find a way to move westward (just press the left arrow)

#2: And it's a step to the Ri-i-ight! = Strain yourself to move right (just press the right arrow)

#3: Fight Gravity = Figure out how to jump upwards (press the up arrow)

#4: Elephant Skewers = Hit a spike strip (hit any spike at all in the level)

#5: Ascension = Be lifted into the sky (Use the streaming airflow things)

#6: Lefty = Show love to the left wall. (color all the blocks on the left, the ones that can be touched)

#7: Righty = Show love to the right wall. (color all the blocks on the right, the ones that can be touched)

#8: Purple Ceiling = Hit the top of the hardest level (touch the top of the level)

#9: Rock Bottom = Find the bottom of the easiest level (Touch the floor)

#10: Speedy Downfall = Fall from the top to bottom without stopping (go on the airflow things and fall without hitting a platform all the way to the floor)

#11: Escape Velocity = Go from bottom to top without stopping (use the airflow thing near number 04)

#12: Stalactite = Skewer yourself at high speed on downward facing spikes (meaning jump into one using a airflow lifter)

#13: Stalagmite = Skewer yourself at high speed on upward facing spikes (meaning jump down into the pit from the highest point you can reach)

#14: Found Point 0 = Uncovered secret point 0 (top left corner of the level)

#15: Found Point 1 = Claimed secret point 1 (top right corner of the level)

#16: Found Point 2 = Excavated secret point 2 ( Bottom left corner)

#17: Found Point 3 = Popped open secret point 3 (Bottom, in the middle)

#18: Found Point 4 = Tripped over secret point 4 (Bottom right of the screen)

#19: Found Point 5 = Visited secret point 5 (Dead center of the screen above the spikes)

#20: Bloodhound = Uncovered all points on level (do #15-#19)
#21: Floating Corpse = Get a skeleton stuck in a launcher (get a corpse stuck in an airflow thing)

#22: I Can Count to 5! = Visit each point in order (00,01,02,03,04,05)

#23: We Have Liftoff = Visit each point in reverse order (05,04,03,02,01,00)

#24: Airwalking = Stay off the ground for 10 seconds (Go to the top and stay in one of the airflow things until you get the achievement)

#25: Hellbound = Launch corpse to bottom (Hit a spike and make your corpse fall to the bottom)

#26: Heavenbound = Launch corpse to ceiling (best technique is to hit the spikes above your starting zone)

#27: Secret Alcove = Get surrounded by three sides (1) (Near number, to the right and just on the other side of the blocks)

#28: Secret Cave = Get surrounded by three sides (2) (Litteraly the bottom right corner square)

#29: Secret Hideout = Get surrounded by three sides (3) (Completely top right corner square)

#30: Death at 0 = Fire a corpse at Point 0 (Again, use spike above starting zone)

#31: 1 o'clock murder = Fire a corpse at Point 1 (Again, use spike above starting zone)

#32: Get Off Your Seats = Jump for 10 seconds nonstop (just hold down on the jump button until you get the achievement)

#33: Cemetary = Have 5 live corpses on the screen (kill yourself quickly)
#34: Graveyard = Have 7 live corpses on the screen (kill yourself even faster)

#35: Half-Century = Reach 50 elephant deaths (die 50 times)

#36: Century = Reach 100 elephant deaths (Die 100 times)

#37: And One More... = Hit 101 elephant deaths (die 101 times)

#38: Stayin' Alive = Stay alive for 15 seconds (easy enough)

#39: Longevity = Stay alive for 30 seconds (easy enough)

#40: Gone in a Flash = Die in less 0.23 seconds (Wait for the spikes above where you start and jump to the right/left to hit it while holding up so the moment you die and come back you'll jump again an hit them when they're directly over you)

#41: Wrecking Ball = Hit the center spiked platform (the moving one)

#42: In the Pit = Land a corpse in the pit (jump in the pit)

#43: Pit Hat Trick = Land 3 corpses in the pit (die in the pit 3 times)

#44: 10 Pin Pit = Land 10 corpses in the pit (die in the pit 10 times)

#45: Double Play Pit = Have two corpses in the pit at once (Yea)

#46: Triple Play Pit = Have three corpses in the pit at once (Yea)

#47: Horizontal Confusion = Hold both the left and right keys (Press them down at the same time)

#48: Vertical Confusion = Hold both the up and down keys (Press them down at the same time)

#49: Total Confusion = Space bar has no purpose, dummy (hit the space bar)

#50: My Favourite Spot = Find the developer's favourite spot (On the block that sticks out on the left side of the bottom of the pit)

#51: 60 Seconds = Play for one minute (just stay in the game for 1 minute)
#52: 180 Seconds = Play for three minutes (stay in the game for 3 minutes)

#53: 300 Seconds = Play for five minutes (Stay in the game for 5 minutes)

#54: Pi = Hit points 3-1-4 in that order (03,01,04)

#55: THIS IS SPARTA = Hit 3-0-0 in that order (03,00,00)

#56: Meaning of Life = Hit 4-2 in that order (04,02)

#57: (2*125)+3 = Hit 2-5-3 in that order (02,05,03)

#58: 3*(30/(15-13)) = Hit 4-5 in that order (To be combined with hit 0-5 in order)

#59: Paint 10 = Touch 10 blocks (The purple blocks change color after you hit them)

#60: Paint 25 = Touch 25 blocks

#61: Paint 50 = Touch 50 blocks

#62: Paint 75 = Touch 75 blocks

#63: Paint 100 = Touch 100 blocks

#64: Masterpiece = Touch every touchable block (A few are untouchable)

#65: Jet 5 = Hit 5 launchers (Touch five airflow things)

#66: Jet 10 = Hit 10 launchers (Touch ten airflow things)

#67: Master Jetter = Hit every launcher (Hit all of them)

#68: 3 Spikes = Hit 3 stationary spikes (The ones in the pit included)

#69: 7 Spikes = Hit 7 stationary spikes

#70: Spikeful = Hit all stationary spikes

#71: Extreme Makeover = Recolour all areas (Including airflow things)

#72: True Blue = Turn your elephant blue (hit the "1" key)

#73: Shocking Pink = Turn your elephant Pink (hit the "2" key)

#74: Sweet Orange = Turn your elephant orange (hit the "3" key)

#75: Stealth Black = Turn your elephant black (hit the "4" key)

#76: Cheater = Ask for a Hint (click the "Hint?" button at the bottom right of the screen)

#77: Programmers Credit = Enter jmtb02 into level (while playing type jmtb02)

#78: Too Much Contra = Enter Contra level select code (To be typed right after typing jmtb02 otherwise it doesn't work... if you missed it just retype jmtb02)

#79: No Cheese for You = Click the level area (click the screen where you're playing)

#80: Bandwidth Exploiter = Preload the game (done upon loading game)

#81: You Are El = Click the Armor Games link (Bottom left of the screen while playing)

#82: Menu Explorer = Find the main menu (automatically done once game loads)

#83: Quality Snob = Adjust the quality (Click the "Quality" button in the bottom right of the screen)

#84: Scrolliastic = Scroll the achievements section (move the little yellow square next to the achievement up or down)

#85: Play the Game = Start the game (Done upon clicking play)

#86: Get to Level 1 = Play Level 1 (Automatic)

#87: Not Listening = Mute the sound (Click the "Mute" button in the bottom right corner of the screen)

#88: Clink Clash Clink = Found the sponsor screen (Done automatically)

#89: Best Player Ever = Earned an achievement (self explanatory)

#90: 10 Percent Done = Earn 10 achievements (self explanatory)

#91: 20 Percent Done = Earn 20 achievements (self explanatory)

#92: 30 Percent Done = Earn 30 achievements (self explanatory)

#93: 40 Percent Done = Earn 40 achievements (self explanatory)

#94: 50 Percent Done = Earn 50 achievements (self explanatory)

#95: 60 Percent Done = Earn 60 achievements (self explanatory)

#96: 70 Percent Done = Earn 70 achievements (self explanatory)

#97: 80 Percent Done = Earn 80 achievements (self explanatory)

#98: 90 Percent Done = Earn 90 achievements (self explanatory)

#99: Too Much Free Time = Earn 99 achievements (self explanatory)

  • 6 Replies
2 posts

[i]Ps i took the hints from [url=] and my tips are in (brackets).

167 posts

Thanks, although I don't like cheating, and yes it is in the hints, but Thank you anyway! =D

4 posts

Nice, didn;t figure out how to get different colours

797 posts

Your link would be here.

Yes, that was copied from the help guide, but thank you for the guide anyway.

107 posts

the cheats are from the link in the game and the colors are that you must press 01 and 02 and 03 then enter

6,823 posts

Please post all further walkthroughs to this game on this original thread. Thanks!

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