ForumsGamesYay for Sonny 3 lead in!

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13 posts

Just in case you want to know, there is a nice lead in to a sonny 3. lets just hope its not another 2 years this time...

great game tho, worth the wait.

  • 1,220 Replies
475 posts

Post a link to the Lead in, please?

3 posts

Must have sonny 3!! Without it life is in complete! haha, That suonds stupid but seriously sonny 3 would make the whole story flow nicely, as long as Krin does it as perfectly as the first two. Hence why people need to stop effing rushing the guy, he needs time as many people have said to finish sinjid and some pirate game, but sonny three will happen, from my experience not many people enjoy games that have one or two new levels to complete a story l i ne. Krin may also leave us with a 2 year wait time.....think of the suspense!!! Everytime you play sonny one or two all youll be able to think about is "Wtf is that seed! How the hell did I end up on that boat" And why need a prequel, how about in one of the beggining/end zone clips of Sonny 3 Veredux simply asks sonny, why were you on the boat to get that dreaded tape. A sonny trilogy would be ideal, and past that ONE possible video game for PS3 and x-box would be great, combine sonny 1 2 and 3 together and add tidbits here and there, and make it much more video game-ish. As for sonny 3 bring back the original classes!!! I hated having to adapt to pshyco bio and hydro!! And the new trees and what not! I got such an amazing Gunslinger with the best attacks gear and combos, then all of a sudden I play the second and wtf happened??? Where did all my stuff go!!! lol. Plus the description on armor games does say "3 more classes" Me of course assuming that there would be three added classes not 4 out the window and three new ones. Haha. what happened to the other army dude!!! haha there was roald and the other guy...where the hell did he go lol. Any ways YAY FOR SONNY 3!!!!!

3 posts

If your going to make a sonny 3 there must be a co-op mode.
like playing with your friend online
connect to a friend.
you can battle each other:
you can go to story mode with them.
than would be epic.
you should also be able to change the color of you weapon and clothing:
and you should also be able to adjust you allys stats.
more classes:
especially more bosses

3,437 posts

Co-op moode is something I don't think will happen. As for my suggestion for sonny I think every armor should have some time of defence stat.

948 posts


3 posts

Dannydaninja, honestly if you hate sonny, why would you spend your time going onto a sonny thread, especially one full of people anticipating a third one, because they love the game so much. You need to choose your hill to die on my friend. Do you honesly have nothing better to do then try to put people down over a game. Serioulsy if you hate it then leave it alone so you dont have to waste forum space.

And wolf991 I would definately agree, or at least the chest plating maybe not the gloves and what not but definately the bodywear would make the game far nicer, and how about more then just one weapon with shadow piercing, I found that a bit of an annoyance...especially since it has no instinct attached to it as well.

True deal, co op mode is HIGHLY unlikely, maybe just an online PvP would be nice, it would be easy to hack, but just leave it for fun. If he would just bring back the 4 original classes and ditch the psycho bio and hydro thing it would be nice, but I dont know if I could adapt back to the sonny one set up now that Im so familiar with the sonny 2 setup, but we will have to see. Adjusting allies stats would definatley be nice, but you can pretty much do that with different types of gear so that extra 4 or five stat points every time you level up isnt much. Except when you do eventually reach the point of 12 stat points per level up, but still not a big deal I find that they do adjust accordingly all on there own. Changing armour colour would be a nice sorta eye candy but very trivial and useless it would make the game look nice to different people considering everyone likes different colours, BUT then what about the flamboyant shirt lol, you could just change it to green haha. More bosses means more levels, at the end of each level there is a boss...this is how all games work.

Another annoyance about this game is how the voices just cut out after zone five leaving 6-7 completely silent. Make it a little easier to get to the extra zones, and if your going to make it as hair yanking hard as the second one make the bonus level less mind consuming. Y'know, when I realized I couldnt get tehre without going through hell i almost ctried lol. It was just so important to get to that level, I wanted to get tehre because it talks about utopia the whole game and a city with a birght light shining from the middle of it doesnt just scream "UTOPIA" to you? Yes it does and this is why i HAD to get tehre, so please make it easier to get to any bonus levels, not to much easier though.

3 posts

Can you make a something like a sandbox where we can make/dress up our own character and then play as if that charater was sonny e.g. instead of sonny having green skin we could chande it to ornge red or purple (unless it would cause trouble).

51 posts

Sonny will be more great tahn Halo

3 posts

+ + + oops thats what it sould of looked like
+ + +
+ + +

20 posts

Just dont rush Krin... the longer he takes the better it'll be....

20 posts

Another annoyance about this game is how the voices just cut out after zone five leaving 6-7 completely silent. Make it a little easier to get to the extra zones, and if your going to make it as hair yanking hard as the second one make the bonus level less mind consuming. Y'know, when I realized I couldnt get tehre without going through hell i almost ctried lol. It was just so important to get to that level, I wanted to get tehre because it talks about utopia the whole game and a city with a birght light shining from the middle of it doesnt just scream "UTOPIA" to you? Yes it does and this is why i HAD to get tehre, so please make it easier to get to any bonus levels, not to much easier though.

I personally... dont want the game to much easier... i find that the difficulty makes me want to play it... it makes me want to beat the game.
1 posts

Well as you see that sonny 3 will take lots of time to make...

So people,please wait until this game is finished,i hope you dont mind about sonny 3 taking lots of time,but its going to be good.

84 posts

All do time sonny 3 will be made

6 posts

i think sonny 2 is too hard sonny 3 shoukd be easier

3 posts

yeh it is but still,you could at least be able to add to defence and piercing rating,and change color of armor,you should also be able to change you team mates stats,linking to there ability points

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