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ForumsThe Tavern"Click the egg" - miniguide/posting rules: pg 297, link to terminology: pg 6

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9,434 posts

Okay, I think I brought this spam inviting hobby to AG on accident, and I have seen people spam unnecessarily, and for artistic purposes I do not want Dragon Cave censored (I like to post my sprites along with my drawings of them).
I'm not advertising their site, I just want a thread for those of us who enjoy the dwaggies. I think that's alright.

So I create this thread for all of us to share eggs and hatchlings experiences in so that they can hopefully get a few more views and grow up.
I also greatly recommend anyone who wish to join this "game" to visit the Dragon Cave forum for tips, news, and hints for their egg hunt.

If you want to ensure that your eggs hatch, get an account on a place like Daily Dragon Fix and put your eggies and hatchies up for viewing.

I think that was it. I guess everyone can post their eggs here, along with at least a sentence - I don't want any spam going on, and no multiple posting the same egg. I will delete spam made here.


I guess we can talk about the dragons and stuff?

Currently they are have peppermint dragons available, it's the Christmas special, and I have managed to get two. :3

~If you want clicks, give a few clicks back~

  • 4,429 Replies
5,642 posts

I has a mint! I think. Actually, it's probably another pebble dragon like Eternity of Balance, he mated with Eternity of Beauty I beleive. Oh well, I wonder what I'll get from that breeding project....
P.S. I relied on the daily dragon fix for 2 eggs (eternity of despair and Lisaura, the much hated purple) and they both died as hatchlings.

2,636 posts

Yes, you can. Not sure if you can after it have been approved by a mod, but untill then you can change you description as much as you want. That also mean you can fix errors that have been pointed out by the reviewers.

Thank you Cenere.

For now I think I will not make any description.
In future who knows?
359 posts

how do i get rid of my dead egg?
it wont let me do any of the actions

5,642 posts

how do i get rid of my dead egg?
it wont let me do any of the actions

I think that after a certain amount of time, it'll go off of the scroll, you can try reviving it though btw.
2,636 posts

People plz help me.
Click my eggs.
I can't have more eggs because I can only have four.
Plus i want more hatchlings.

I can haz clicks? Rly i can haz? Yayz

192 posts

They're going to be frozen

2,636 posts

Hey steven should I click them?
Click my eggs.

241 posts

hi guys school was such a drag.

anyways dose anybody know when hatchlings grow there wings because my first hatchling got 1054 views 444 unique views and 41 clicks

this is my first hatchling:<a href=[img]" alt="http://[url=][img]" />[/img]

and the rest of my hatchies:
<a href=[img]" alt="http://[url=][img]" />[/img]
<a href=[img]" alt="http://[url=][img]" />[/img]
<a href=[img]" alt="http://[url=][img]" />[/img]

9,434 posts

P.S. I relied on the daily dragon fix for 2 eggs (eternity of despair and Lisaura, the much hated purple) and they both died as hatchlings.

Look what hatched:
1,739 posts

@random_player_of_ag: I clicked all your eggs. Return the favor please, I noticed that two of mine are cracking since I joined Daily Dragon Fix today(Amazing!). Why can't I see your username on your egg scrolls? Are you trying to stay private? It prevents people from easily looking at all your other eggs.

@GodofBlades: consider yourself lucky that you even have hatchlings. I'm still waiting for my first. Very sad, I admit. I wish I knew when hatchlings evolve. I read that it depends on the ratio of your clicks, unique views and clicks. I'll do the favor of clicking on all of them. Strange, when I liked your top one the clicks show 41. I must've already liked it. Can't help you there, mate.

Hey steven should I click them?
Click my eggs.

I wouldn't click them. Steven, you're a murderer!

That could be interesting. Show which one of us has the most time to waste. X3

Sarcastically says "I do". I'm still young. I don't have to go to college/university, just school. And we have summer vacation, so hurray!

If you want to know, I already clicked 2000 eggs and hatchlings, and reported almost 30 adults. I even found a dead dragon! Want proof?


If the Picture doesn't work, click The Link.

How about we have a fun competition on who can click the most eggs on the Daily Dragon Fix? Only people who are signed up can play.

If this were my keyboard, the things I would do to the C key...

That's image spam... >_> Come on, we have a conversation going, it's not that hard to join in.

I agree. This topic is mainly for talking about Dragon Cave, and then comes advertising.

Why have all my breedings except one failed this week??

Dumb Joke: Why don't you make a chain-letter that threatens people to click on the link to your dragons or their next 1000 generations will be cursed with bad luck?

Just joking... I'll click all your eggs and hatchlings for you. You're list is pretty long. It takes ages to load. You should have a link to them on your profile. Loads of us do.
Armorgames is taking a long time to load today.... Do you have an explanation, Zophia? I don't think that too many people play Sonny 2 now a days.

If they end up with less than one day left, abandon them so they get another chance. Please don't let them die on your scroll.

If they don't hatch tomorrow at the end of the day, then yes, I will sadly abandon my poor baby eggs. This morning, there were so little eggs that the cave was empty. And dumbly, I'd abandoned an egg, so I was trying to get a new one.

Oh, and this is a good place to put:

Or just click the plain old Link:Link that must be clicked!

Wow, my posts keep getting longer and longer.
9,434 posts

I must've already liked it.
Nice c-fail. ^^

If the Picture doesn't work, click The Link.

You should have a link to them on your profile. Loads of us do.
But I don't need it. :3 And I can't make an image link on my profile...

Armorgames is taking a long time to load today.... Do you have an explanation, Zophia? I don't think that too many people play Sonny 2 now a days.
I dunno, it's loading fine for me. O.o

This morning, there were so little eggs that the cave was empty.
Happens more often than you'd think.

Wow, my posts keep getting longer and longer.
348 posts

imo(in my opinion),You shoud click every-single-dragon in my scroll under 5 seconds.

241 posts

at ulimitedpower: clicked you eggys again and well i wish you the best of luck and can anybody answer my last question?

also:<a href=[img]" alt="http://[url=][img]" />[/img]

it will probably hatch late at night or tomorrow

13,657 posts

You is awesome.

Wait! What did I do!?? Please don't hurt me!! Dutegi sees himself as, if not a leader, then a celebrity of the flight, along with his mate. Two-headed dragons are not a really rare sight, but somehow he has managed to look the other way, so to him, he and his mate are the only ones. This imaginary world was eruptly broken by the new little split hatchling, soon to be adult. Of course he still thinks it will be a female and that he is the only dark split. Duosio is more humble than her mate, seening reality and keeps her mate on the ground, so his inflated ego will not make him fly away. She have not yet had any eggs, because of her mate's flighty personality, but she cares greatly about the split hatchling. Esten is rather girly, or not as motherly as Pers. She likes observing the behavior of others, and seem to have found her dream behavior at Meed, having something like a crush on him, though he tend to ignore her and their egg most of the time.
She was greatly frigthened when the egg came, it had a soft shell for a long time, and the little dragon in it seem to be weaker than normal hatchlings. La Maro, or Mar for short, is ignorant towards the affairs of the flight. He tend to stay on his own, the rest of the fligh unable to follow him into the depths of the lake in which he lives and hunts. Theriz lives isolated with her rocks and crystals in a sidecave. She does not seem fond of company, not even a mate does she want. She is more in love with her shiny stones and the soft earth. She even ignores hunger, and goes a long time before she goes hunting. Ochera is a free spirit, the joker of the flight. She have done nothing but mock me her entire life, and enjoys stealing stuff from the other dragons, Ther's stones, breaking Noiu's safety-nest, hidding eggs from Pers and spread rumours about handsome strong males. Tymara is the opposite of Ochera, she is more silent and does not grap attention whenever it flies by. She uses most of her time training her weather controlling abilities, and waiting for her only one.
9,434 posts

anyways dose anybody know when hatchlings grow there wings
It varies. They enjoy driving you crazy while you're waiting for it.

Except for the 'me', those are awesome descriptions. Dunno how many you've described in the cave, but I want your skills...
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