[quote]Good: He actually does what he says he's gonna do (unlike Liberals), dodges shoes, his terrible grammar and speech will be jokes for decades. i have to agree with thelistman on that
Bad: He started a war we shouldn't be in. He allowed these bailouts(along with congress) that messed up our country evenmore. He didn't try anything to stop global warming. Actually I'll just say he did a bad thing when he ran for president. Thank god it's near the end of his term.
Bad: He started a war we shouldn't be in. He allowed these bailouts(along with congress) that messed up our country evenmore. He didn't try anything to stop global warming. Actually I'll just say he did a bad thing when he ran for president. Thank god it's near the end of his term.
Good: He was in very precarious circumstances when it came to foreign policy in the mid-east. Both Bush Sr. and Clinton were presidents during the war. Operation Desert Storm was still in existence and Hussein was still a threat then. You can't just blame ole W.
Idk why people always mercilessly slander him, though. Jeez. He did the best he could do while the rest of us were griping and complaining about him from on our couches and in front of our TVs.
He didn't do real good did alot of untimed bailouts and never thought of the consequences of going to war and he is the reason we are on the verge of another great depression even though it has only been 50 years. Good, had an ocassional funny thing to say in hiss speeches..and another he made my last days of the year with his Shoe Dodging preformance :P
"We have pictures from Mars that suggest we can actually live there by images of water lines. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If there is oxygen, that means we can breathe." -- Governor Bush '97
Good: I'll admit, when he says that he's going to do something, he'll do it. When he said, we're going to get these terrorists and Iraqi leaders, it was just a matter of time when we did.
Bad: He does not think rationally, and that is why everyone that doesn't support him hates him. We had Bin Ladin cornered, did you know? But instead of capturing him himself, he let the officials of that country take care of it, and shortly after the army left, they let him go. This is just the worst of what the collection of what bad he's done here.
Good: 9/11, inspirational speeches about anti-terrorism, funniest president ever to be elected once, and then twice, Dic Cheny!!
Bad: War in Iraq, Katrina, Finding Bin-Ladin, Economic positions, putting people in positions because of loyalty rather than qualificaion. Bad use of grammar, poor decisions reguarding health care.
Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."
"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."
"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."
"You work three jobs? ⦠Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." â"to a divorced mother of three,
"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."
"They misunderestimated me."
"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
"There's an old saying in Tennessee â" I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee â" that says, fool me once, shame on â" shame on you. Fool me â" you can't get fooled again."
Those are my favourite bushisms.
If you need any further proof that he was a bad president look no further
"And I, unfortunately, have been to too many disasters as president." --George W. Bush, discussing flooding in the Midwest, Washington, D.C., June 17, 2008
But yeah, it's not just us that believe the former president was horrible. Just about everything he tried to do ended up in failure. I can provide many, many claims to this.