Some of u might have already veiwed my guitar hero tips and tricks so some of this wont be new to u but i will post about all the instruments...
Guitar tips
*this guitar might be easier to strum than a guitar hero guitar because of the groove for ur thumb.
* for easy points and highscores whammy on long notes+if u are in a critical situation and their is a long white note whammy on it to get extra overdrive/star power.
*if u need more tips for guitar u can refer to my guitar hero tips and tricks or contact me on my profile
*if ur having trouble on a song, just go to tutorials or practice and learn the beats to the foot pedal then add ur hands.
*if ur having trouble with the really fast notes dont bang the drums hard... just little taps and u will have it...
*i recomend making the drum set a little high. Sometimes it can help
*hold the mic very close to ur mouth for the easiest controle
*make sure there is no disruption witch may be heard by the mic
*for fun... try singing and playing guitar at the same time... once uv mastered that try it with drums and what the heck TRY ALL THREE!
as u have probablly heard i play mutiple insruments such as guitar and drum so if u need any extra tips i got them so contact me on my profile or this page... THNX!!! Hermann0212