Yeah, I found Roald has the highest Vitality of the 3 allies you get.
I have no idea what Veradux's best stat is but Felicity DOES have the highest strength...Someone test this though by equipping them all with the same gear. I can't right now, but will later if no one does
Yeah, I found Roald has the highest Vitality of the 3 allies you get. I have no idea what Veradux's best stat is but Felicity DOES have the highest strength...Someone test this though by equipping them all with the same gear. I can't right now, but will later if no one does
Felicity is better than Veradux if you want to be offensive. Im currently using her @ level 27, my Veradux is lvl 30 and does less damange than lvl 27 felicity (with only emrald death equiped) She has low health, but kills the enemy faster and she doesnt die anyways... At a higher lvl, she has the highest damage output, besides sonny
Really, I don't think damage output and all that matters that much. That is almost entirely dependent on how you equip them. I mean, their stats cant be more than 50 apart in any one place without armor.
I can't really check right now, but can you see my point?
People usually put 300 points straight into Instinct for lightning build. Felicity and Roald are barely different from each other if you look at it like that. It makes a difference, yeh, but not as much as their skills.
All I think about is: "Do I want Roald's 40% DR (!)/heal multiplier and longer stun, or Felicity's Knives?"
9/10 times it's Roald, but Felicity works in a few builds of mine.
dude,Felicity is the best melee user ive got.ive given her better weapons the Roald and she can go up to 356 Str and over 250 stamina.maybe youre not used to melee or something.
My weapons and armor apparently work better on Roald, then Felicity, as Roald mostly plays a dummy that has a lot of life and can withstand lots of hits while dealing some extra damage. Felicity has low life, a few useless abilities, and just doesn't have very good piercings in my opinion. But if you don't worry 'bout healing, they both go well on your team.
for damage, its best to take out veradux and put in felicity. equip her with imperial armor and death sent. for better life. her melee is the best. she also has some good abilities
I didn't use her in the game... I was one of those with low HP. If I was a Guardian or something like that i would trade Veradux because you can heal her and don't need Veradux.
So if you have good healing skills it's tottaly worth replacing Veradux for Felicity. That way you have two attackers.