So i've seen a few people asking whats the best tank to beat the last boss right? The answer is the tank that you play the best as. I have beaten the boss as all tanks and am here to tell you how I do it.
1: Try all the tanks out, and see which one your best as. Big and bulky, small and nimble, etc.
2:As soon as you can move, take out the bottom part. Then the top left. Then the top right. Then the top middle. Its simple and effective.
3: If your having trouble with a particular limb, take that one out first.
I hope I helped! I had particular success with the ghost sniper. It does nice damage!
Should the last boss off bubble tanks 2 be so hard? He is so easy on every class 4th rank! Just take out the lower part, then the side parts and at least the upper part.