Do you think it's appropriate that they give out awards like that?
Here's an example
(January 2003, India) Regarding accidental deaths during the construction of a subway in New Delhi, the New York Times wrote, "One of those killed was an unlucky thief who tried to steal braces holding up a concrete slab; it fell and killed him."
It does seem in pretty bad taste, but I guess as its not exact;y a hugely popular website, as long as their relatives don't see it, it is ok. There are no laws against it as far as i know.
A shining example of natural selection, to quote Herr. Hicks "Good he's a moron, we didn't exactly loose a cancer cure here, the shuttle launch won't be delayed. So what if I'm one up in traffic tomorrow".
they're sad, but funny. Like pixie, it is a great example of natural selection. My favorite was one where a guy was changing a lightbulb above his balcony in his apartment, and he was standing on a wheelie chair, and he (predictably) fell 31 stories to his death.
I lul'd at the site. I saw it first on a magazine here at my country. I don't see a problem in laughing at someones death, they are dead and they don't hear us, nor their family.
I recall actually buying a book back in 2000 which archived several of the Darwin awards, that's how much I enjoyed them back then.
I pay little attention to the premise that "some people are so stupid they deserve to die" as, to me, stupidity is a property demonstrated over a large sample space and, well, death from doing something stupid is generally a single event!
One of my personal favorites was the guy who tried to DIY bungee off the top of a shopping center, but forgot that the bungee cord stretches up to he measured the cord about six feet shorter than the 90 foot drop...
One of my personal favorites was the guy who tried to DIY bungee off the top of a shopping center, but forgot that the bungee cord stretches up to he measured the cord about six feet shorter than the 90 foot drop...
I don't think that Darwin was right about everything, but that is pretty darn'd funny! of course it's in poor taste, but it actually has me laughing out loud and was good enough to get me to quit playing games to read it.... thank you for showing this to all of us!
there was this guy who rented a camper and while driving down the highway put it on cruise control and went in the back and made a sandwich long story short the guy crashed
there was this guy who rented a camper and while driving down the highway put it on cruise control and went in the back and made a sandwich long story short the guy crashed
Wow, he is retarded XD
S'ose he forgot cruise control does not steer for you *epic fail*.
Their entertaining to read, and maybe a good thing that their no longer in the gene pool. But, how many of us have done things that could have earned us a Darwin award and just gotten lucky.