someone bured downed a local abortion clinic around my house. they dont kno who are y they did it. but wat do u think about this.
i think they have a right to get rid of there kid, but if dont want a kid y do it(u kno wat i mean[or at least wear protection]) or give it up for adoption
Odd that these pro-life people would do something so threatening to peoples LIFE. Do you know if everyone was ok.
I remember reading in the newspaper about a pro-lifer that killed some doctors because he believed they were performing abortions. The very definition of irony a pro-lifer murdering people.
They did take it a step too far I would say. It's quite alright to stand outside the establishment, and perform a peaceful protest, but in burning down that clinic, is quite criminal I'd say chaps.
i think they have a right to get rid of there kid, but if dont want a kid y do it
yes but obama agrees with partil life abortion witch kills the baby inside out burns his organs and they melt while hes aliveif you know youre pregnet IMEDITLY get a abortion where it just kills him and he shrivels up partial life abortion is horriabley cruel
Peaceful protesting is ok. What they did was criminal
no what they did is save lives
They did take it a step too far I would say. It's quite alright to stand outside the establishment, and perform a peaceful protest, but in burning down that clinic, is quite criminal I'd say chaps.
they could of and the problem with this kind is it kills babys to but they did save baby lives
most people dont realize that when u have an abortion ur murdering YOUR child, and im pretty sure murders go to hell. 5th commandment: THOU SHALL NOT KILL: What does this mean? We should fear and love god so that we do not hurt or harm our neighbor but help and support him in every physical way and need
Hmm...the act of burning down an abortion clinic is very symbolic. They're destroying something that many people veiw as being an okay outlet of responsibility. Honestly I support pro-choice, but at the same time I feel that if you feel your old enough to have sex then your old enough to be responsible about it. If people were responsible there would be no need for these clinics. I do however understand there are extenuating circumstances such as rape or failed protection. These things do happen and in this instance it is up to the mother to decide if se wants to take on that child.
I think a peaceful protest against abortion would be more fitting >.> Kind of hypocritical don't you think.
But seriously, for example i just attended a massive pro-life rally at my capital. It was about 8,000 people. Do something like that, don't burn down a "clinic".