I need help whit the beginning off MWC! When i create units and plot missions, it gos not so fast. I need money to improve and upgrade to better ability's but when i go up whit that, those dam ninja's come and pwn my man! hiring a big guy also is not so good, because they die very fast. Can someone help me to make a good start so i can get further in the game, whitout loosing every time?
Ok well when i beat it I started out with not hiring anyone except troopers and robbing banks dont worry and a science every once in a while then buy coffee shops and get money then you can move to the skyscraper eventually and its easy from there.Hope this helped
To 17dman: thnx very much, that truly maked it a lot easier. To Psycholncarnate: also thnx that maked me upgrade better and faster. And to Agent_86: indeed, they could not even get close to my base. Thnx all! I got enough info for now. Can anyone lock this one? Otherwise more info qould be nice but not nessesery.