ForumsWEPR6-year-old killed by flying debris at monster truck show

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TACOMA, Wash. - Investigators were examining pieces of the drive train from an oversized truck Sunday to learn why parts tore off the truck and struck and killed a 6-year-old boy and injured another spectator at a monster truck show.

Witnesses described the boy, Sebastian Hizey, being struck in the head by a Frisbee-sized chunk of metal that tore off a truck doing doughnuts during the Monster Jam show Friday night in the Tacoma Dome.

Police gathered loose parts of the drive train and the drive train loop, a special monster truck device that is supposed to hold the drive train on the vehicle, Bill Easterling, senior operations director for Feld Motor Sports of Aurora, Ill., told The Associated Press on Sunday

i was going to go to the show by my house. thats sad, i hope it dont happen again

  • 18 Replies
9 posts

Quite frankly monster truck shows just care about the profit, not about the saftey for the people at the show. I don't belive any saftey laws for shows like that are in place, maybe Obama could pass a law for some pretection regulations? Genneraly i'd never get withing 10 feet of a monster truck(those things are dangerous!!!) and due to this incedent i just advice evryone to say clear of them. But then again, you probably thought about that.

254 posts

Quite frankly monster truck shows just care about the profit, not about the saftey for the people at the show. I don't belive any saftey laws for shows like that are in place, maybe Obama could pass a law for some pretection regulations? Genneraly i'd never get withing 10 feet of a monster truck(those things are dangerous!!!) and due to this incedent i just advice evryone to say clear of them. But then again, you probably thought about that.

But, they're MONSTER TRUCKS! They're awesome! [/monstertruckfanaticresponse]
2,301 posts

thats sad, i hope it dont happen again
This of course brings to mind: Do you need to say anything else? No, because that's it, it's very sad.
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