I know to go out untill only in the storage room Go to your bed get the coins under the pillow and get the blanket under the bed Then use the bronze coin in the toilet and use the other on in the faucet Examine Mickey(The boy that is deceased) and roll the sleeves of his clothes and get the watch and open his clothes to get the bible Examine the bible and open it and get Mickey's ID Get the Shampoo near the shower And talk to the boy in the other cell and with all the things and then talk again the second time if he have a handle of the sink and stop talking and use the watch and click it to him he will trade the sink handle use it in the sink and open it to release the water Use the blanket to cover the drainage and ring the bell Click the butt of the man you called and use the key to get out and let the man in the other cell to give the watch and (scene) use the knife the knife ti the man Go to the man's cell and renew the ID of Mickey and use the ID of Mickey to open the Storage room Get the lamp on the table Click and click on the wall (the wall the is near the book shelf)10times and put the lamp in the [](square) hole