A well rounded mother had let her son play WoW (world of warcraft) for years. She is a strong Christian and so is he. Until recently she observes the Ozzy Osbourn commercials for the new Expansion: Wotlk (Wrath of the lich king). She then takes that information and decides it is evil; she takes that the devil is the lich king (arthas), and she will not let him play anylonger.
Is this a wise decision? Or is this just ignorrance?
I'd say its ignorance, if thats the only reason to forbid him playing WoW. However if she already was fed up with it (son doesn't play outside anymore + son gains weight ect) and this was the last drop then it was wise.
However if she took the time to read Warcraft lore then she prolly found out that arthas isnt really a bad guy though.
Are you not supposed to defeat the Lich king in the game (have not played it, so cannot remember what frineds told)?? Because if you are supposed to do so, well, winwin situation there for them, if she had let him play, right?
Oh well, rather weird like that, seemingly she never knew much about WoW in the first place.
Christians who believe that if they don't admit/believe there is a physical injury to themselves, that they can faith it away
I am an absolute Atheist but I do that sometimes simple mind over matter. Christians-no faith needed.
What about the Christians who believe that Dinosaurs didn't exist and that God put their bones on earth as a test of faith?
I love that idea always makes me laugh ( doesn't help that Bill Hicks did a great bit on it at his Revelations tour). Anyway does that bother anyone? That God is messing with us; he's a prankster God. Gotta be depressing devout your whole life, get to the Pearly Gates and St. Peter asks "did you believe in dinosaurs" well yeah there were fossils everywhere! and your in hell. Great.
My problem is that too many people get so caught up in religion and such that they start believing these kinds of things and lose the whole point of it all... >(