ForumsGame WalkthroughsGuide and stuff I found EXTREMELY helpful throughout the game

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5 posts

Quick note before I get started, I couldn't figure out whether to post this in the walkthrough section or the Sonny 2 section so I'll just post it here=]

Currently I am a level 21 physco(Avenger) and beat the game on challenging, and when I got stuck i had no good guides or tips, especially because most of them were for hydraulics and biological. Well, theres no discrimination here! =D

Some quick tips before I start more detailed guides:
Veradux, the cat-in-the-hat, is a very useful healer, but I got very frustrated finding out that this particular healer was only healing 300's, even in zone 4, which is not useful when damage is 1k+ on average... So I experimented...
EVERYBODY, Veradux's healing capabilities are based off of strength! You want him to heal more? Give him strength stuff! For me this made a huge different and Mr. Cat-in-the-hat now happily heals 800's! Plus he is a boatload stronger when he uses "Leading Strike" which he only uses when he is out of focus. Oh yeah, and I keep him in Phalanx mode unless I need him to take out a buff for me with his zappy move.
P.S: I gave Brixius, the "Brain chewer"'s sword to Veradux. Its good for him, it increases his healing by bout' 150 =D
Next Roald... Or "The ninja" is a very... Interesting offensive force. Also he uses the buff "Greater Purpose" which reduces all damage by 40% and makes healing more efficient, probably his best use for me. Right now I can't figure out what attribute makes him more effective because i loaded him up with strength gear and he still hits very low, so I loaded him up with vitality gear and now hes a formidable tank! =D
My favorite moves:
As a physco my favorite moves are DEFINITELY

- "Shock Therapy", great primary offensive move, does about 1k damage non-critical for me, and max (crit + wraith form) about 2.6k+

- "Lightning Storm", to gain focus, and also hits pretty high

- "Wraith Form", and I had no idea how good this move was until I tried it. Not only does it make the opponent miss ALOT but it increases critical chances and pierce damage. So with Wraith Form and Shock Therapy I hit 2.5k average! =D

- "Traumatize", I love this move because it stuns the enemy for two turns AND drains there focus. The only down side being that while in this state they take half as much damage. But this isn't an offensive support move, it's to recuperate. I mean its awesome! Two turns of healing and buffs, and theres even a chance the enemy will have to regain focus afterwards too. Hehe.
P.S: This move is also how I beat Baron Brixius and Gregor, which I will be talking about later

- "Free Will", if cat-in-the-hat (Veradux) dies, or is in trouble, or anyone really, this is definitely the way to go. Assuming your instinct is relatively high (about 300+ for me) it shields you for 150% of that AND heals you every turn for 5 turns 500% of that (Considering it is maxed out) you can get back into the game from the weakest state.

Biological (Will be adding to more later)

- "Infection", my ALL TIME favorite bio move so far. It does the damage LATER for a super hard pounding on the next turn. You can wipe
out most anyone with this beastly move. Combo it with things like corrosion, and it makes it even better!


Sorry all you hydras but my hydra is too weak for any info yet =\\ Soz but once I beat the game on bio I will work on hydra!


Baron Brixius:
I don't get why people think hes so hard... Except for the hydras who get it hard. All you have to do it take out his focus and wait 3 turns and hes already like 1/7 dead, haha. Keep everyone alive and with steady health. For me as a physco I kept free will for whoever needed it the most, and had 2 "Traumatize" equipped.

Note: DO NOT have him on [b]"Traumatize" while deep burning is in effect. It will only do 50% damage! Make sure Baron is fully conscious while deep burning is happening![/b]

Also when he uses that move, although I forget what it is called, probably later into the battle that makes him vulnerable, SMASH HIM WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT. It's like your chance to take his health down at large large amounts!

Another note: This is regarding his move "Tick Tock" At first I panicked and feared when "Tick Tock" would end the unit would suffer instant death. It was much to my relief this did not happen. But nonetheless "Tick Tock" is still a deadly move and should not be taken lightly, but all should be well, if one person is shielded and "Free Willed" and another is being taken care of by Verdaux, it should be no problem. But throughout the whole math KEEP YOUR WHOLE PARTY ALIVE. If one dies its one less thing to worry about for Mr. Brixius.

The Real Hobo:
I found this battle quite amusing, I really did. At first I thought I was a goner when I saw no catch, but then I felt slightly relaxed seeing the humor in the battle, and I had fun with it. =P


WOW. This little bug was the stupid little thing I had the most trouble with. Healing 1,200 every turn, it must be extremely easy for Bios, but it was not for me, a physco. What I did was I trained a bit, and smashed him down before his healing could do that much. It's very difficult though, noticing he has 6k+ hp. Stupid little bug.

Now... In detail: First keep in mind I had maxed out shock therapy, maxed lightning storm, and 80% passive lightning piercing, plus 2 traumatized equipped.

Basically I used wraith form, waiting for his heal to end, and traumatized him. Make sure you are in wraith form however. Then I shock therapyed him again and again, but every time he woke up I would traumatize him again. Then both needed to recover, and so he put up that healing thing again. I kept stalling his health (making sure the ratio between my damage and his healing is about the same) until he needed to recharge again. By now he was at about 4k health. I did the same thing, and he was down to like 1k health. Then, he had no focus so he had to regain focus, which was a free turn resulting in me finishing him off with a critical shock therapy.

And another note. Make sure he doesn't use "Pity" on you, lowering all damage you deal by half. Thats a real pain in the ass.

P.S: Mostly the whole time, unless someone was on the verge of death I kept both allies on relentless, to maximize damage capabilities. It really adds up!

BUM BUM BUM!!! The stunning conclusion to zone 4. ZOMG its a hydra.
I found this fight challenging, but beat it on my second try. I went on wraith form, took out one of the claws, stalled, and repeated for the second one. Then I brute forced the actual hydra. 3v1 is relatively easy if there are no tricks like gregor.

Now a bit more detailed:
The burn aftereffect of a fire claw is very annoying, and it really does stack and add up. Thats where "The ninja" (Roald) comes in with his "Greater Purpose" Also I used free will and Veradux was the big medic. The whole time I kept Veradux on Phalanx. The last thing I want is my medic trying to help with his <200 damage attacks.

The primary objective at first it to maintain survival output while attacking the fire claw. And make sure your in Wraith form for you physcos, it really helps.

After taking out one it becomes DRAMATICALLY easier. Once you take out both fire claws you have practically an assured victory. How hard can one hydra be when you toughed out 3 claws attacking you at once?

At this point it shouldn't really be hard. If it is, investigate the problem. But the hydra has no special defense or catch to it. 22k hp is not that hard to beat, it just may take a while.

Friendly Reminder: By the time you are at zone 5, I recommend AT LEAST 2.5k+ hp for everyone in your party, and 3.5-4k hp for your medic. Also I recommend putting buffs on the person who has least hp, who is the person that is generally attacked first.

--Hope you enjoyed, I will hopefully be adding more later!--


  • 28 Replies
32 posts

that is very long

20,591 posts

Guides are supposed to be long and detailed.
Anyways, very useful.

20,591 posts

Wait a second, his healing is based on strength?
Krin's guide says that healing is based on instinct and his damage bases on strength,

20,591 posts

Sorry for triple posting, but you should level up.

Supremacy, Death Sentence and Wrath of the Council, the strongest weapons, are all level 22.

Supremacy = Veradaux/Hydraulic
Death Sentence = Biological/Roald
Wrath of the Council = Psycho

With the electric set and Wrath of the Council for high instinct, you should hit at least over 5k.

17 posts

Actually supremacy is quite weak when compared to the Death Sentence or Emerald Death and is not good for hydro since technically it doesn't do any fire damage so the piercing is useless.

Veradux heals based on instinct and I can prove it since my veradux heals way more than what stated on the guild (around 2k)

Your shock teraphy is doing low damage, maybe you haven't add charged blood or your instinct is too low.

Rolad is based on strenght but it never does an amazing amount of damage (mine does 1.3k with full Z5 and Death Sentence)

And as a last point there are actually 2 guides on pshyco in here. I might say something else about the bosses but I was honestly too lazy to read it.

1,037 posts

Supremecy is good for Veradux because it increases his strength and instinct + 66, which added together is +132 to add to electro-bolt. That is more than Death Sentence adds to it, and I forgot how much emerald death adds, but Supremacy adds speed, so it isn't missing a lot.

20,591 posts

I am now slightly confused as to what Supremacy does...

1,037 posts

It raises Instinct, Strength and speed. I think.

20,591 posts

Could you check?
I've just erased all my flash data so I have no accounts.
I thought it was

Speed + 66
Instinct + 108
Strength + 108

6 posts

firetail madness has it right, the stats of supremacy. I find it to be a good weapon for Veradux.

1,037 posts

Oh, you are right. Same difference, It's just better than I thought.

It's 216 instead of 132...That's better than Emerald Death, if on Veradux (For electro-bolt)

11 posts

my veradux heals for 2k look
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2,269 posts

Huh....that is pretty helpful!

17 posts

That is the case when based on attack that is not that frequent, especially since most of the time he's busy healing. Therefore in my opinion a pure instinct wep is better such as wrath of the council. If I were to want damage over healing I would probably use felicity.
and just to clarify emerald death gives 186 str.

222 posts

Vera's heal is not based on strength. Or maybe it is, but not as much as instinct. I've seen him heal almost 3000, non-critical, and he was wearing instinct gear. You should be healing at least over 1k at level 21.

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