ForumsThe TavernRandom Facts

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I just wanted to start a thread about random facts like:

99% of deaths are fatal

sour patch kids cause cancer in lab rats

like that some are actually really funny.

  • 68 Replies
11,891 posts

Could we at least have some sources so that it isn't as disheartening as the Snapple "Real Fact" #0 cap?

237 posts

the material that nails are made of is the same as hair.

fat is the most energetic of the three food forms.(cals, proteins and fat)

xbox 360 is a completely rip of from the playstation controler
x box 360
X square circle... more a conspiration theory than a fact.

a cure for cancer has been found, by putting in a tiny bit of plastic into the bloodstream... well some sorts... it made a mouse survival rate go from 0 to 90%

first mouse had only one button.

the emoticons where invented 20 years ago when a professor wrote in a message "lets use as a way of saying we are joking"

the first burger was invented in a food conference 103 years ago (1906) and was made in a rush for an "innovative dish"

the worst torture device to date is "die mädchen von nürnberg"(german: the maiden from nürnberg) where the victim was put in a sargofagus where the lid is filled with spikes. the lid is then closed.

the m95 .50 antimat sniperrifle has an effective range of 3000 meters... at that distance is has the same penetrative power as a 9mm at point blank.

if a razorblade is held in a copper triangle when not used, it will stay sharp longer. the design was created from the egyptian pyramids. mythbusters busted this.

to make sealskin, the skin of a seal must be put in a container with urin, then it must be chewed... this is a big business in greenland.

the black plagues killed in its first wave about 30% of the whole world... about 50% of the europeans and 0% of america... since there was no america.

once all the continents of the world was one(known as pangea) this will happen again, which will be the deathmark of organic life, since the world then would be inhabitable.
just as australia was once the eastern coast of india.

the native american people originated from the oriental area.

there has been more than 100 test nuclear explosions, mostly in nevada and siberia.

the area of chernobyl will first be inhabitable in 400 years. the radioactive material wont be "gone"(or unmeasurable) for 10.000 years.

if mankind suddenly disappeared, nature would take 300.000 years to return to its optimal state of CO2 lvl and it would take 50.000 to divouver the citys

worlds a strange place!

5,838 posts

The native american people originated from western european areas.

Could we at least have some sources

Ok this is from the US food and Drugs administration and is a record of the amount if filth food stuffs are allowed tolegally contain:

1. Frozen Broccoli can contain 60 aphids per 100 grams
2. Curry Powder can contain 100 insect fragments and four rodent hairs per 25 grams
3. Chopped dated can contain 5 whole insects per 15 grams
4. Hops can contain 2,500 aphids per 100 grams
5. Dried mushrooms can contain 20 maggots and 75 mites per 15 grams
6. Peanut butter can contain 30 insext fragments and one rodent hair per 100 grams
7. Ground pepper can contain 475 insect fragments and 1 rodent hair per 50 g
8. Tomato paste can contain 30 fruit fly eggs OR 15 eggs and 1 maggot OR 2 maggots per 100 g
9. Golden raisans can contain 10 whole insects and 35 fruit fly eggs per 8 oz
10. Sauerkraut can contain 50 thrips per 100g
11. Sesame seeds can contain 5mg of animal droppings per pound
12. Spinach can contain 50 aphids per 100g
13. Canned Tomatoes can contain 10 fruit fly eggs OR 5 eggs and 2 maggots per 500 g
14. Ground Thyme can conatain 925 insect fragments and 2 rodent hairs per 10g
15. Wheat Flour can contain 75 insect parts and 1 rodent hair per 50g

This is by law! And I know it is probably similar elsewhere, but still if you are American have a nice dinner.
8,051 posts

xbox 360 is a completely rip of from the playstation controler
x box 360
X square circle... more a conspiration theory than a fact.

their logo is made up of four triangles :[]!
956 posts

the worst torture device to date is "die mädchen von nürnberg"(german: the maiden from nürnberg) where the victim was put in a sargo***us where the lid is filled with spikes. the lid is then closed.

Mythbusters have tested worse torture methods...

They tested the myth that the Japanese in WW2 tied torture victims to the ground, over a growing bamboo, so the bamboo would grow though your body. It was deemed plausible as it could work but evedidence has been found that it was ever used.

237 posts

well pixie you could say that since every human being at some point came from africa, then they travelled from europe to russia and soforth.

and no the settlers of europe are not the native americans^^ kidding

5,838 posts

Some FOOTBALL (soccer) facts:
1. Luther Blisset was signed by A.C. Milan because they mistook him for John Barnes.
2. Chris Nicholl scored all four goals in a 2-2 draw between Aston Villa and Leicester on the 20th of March 1976.
3. It is against the rules for the kicker to score an own goal from a penalty. If this occurs a corner is awarded to the defending team.

563 posts

walt disneys signature looks nothing like what is on the logo in the beggining of the movies.

78 posts

spiders have clear blood
how would you know your bleading?

there is no sound in space

acteint egyptions trained monkeys to dance and play music
i thought they played with snakes

some ants can make themselfs explode!!!!
i got ant goo on my shooe

542 posts

the more you breath the closer you are to death

your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every 2 weeks or it will digest it self

the dot over an i is called a tittle
i never knew that

a ducks quack doesen`t echo no one knows why

there are no words in the dictionary that rymes with orange purple and silver

if you place a small amount of liquor on a scorpian it will instantly go mad and sting it self to death
This takes emo to the next level XD

by raising your legs slowly and lie on your back you wont sink into quicksand (good one to remember)

chewing gum while peeling onions will stop you from crying

every day more money is printed for monoply than the U.S. treasury (OMG)

Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, John

Hancock and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2,but the

last signature wasn't added until 5 years later

"I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language

The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps blood out to the body

it could squirt blood 30 feet!

these are creepy and random

956 posts

a ducks quack doesen`t echo no one knows why

It actually does, but the echo sounds about the same as another quack, mythbusters tested it.
78 posts

the most expensive item on ebay sold for 4.9 million dollars for a jet

8,051 posts

both saddam and hitlers mothers considered abortion.

Right after a nuke hits the ground directly around that spot turns to glass if it was sand to begin with

More people in history of war have been killed in the name of God(any reilgon) then anyother reason for war

Both Stalin and Hitler's fathers abused them as children.

The last name of President Lincoln's secretary was Kennedy and the last name of JFK's secretary was Lincoln.

the most deadly thing known to man is dihydrogen monoxide

rape(sea lion and prolly a few more species), prostitution(with chimps) and interracial sex happens in nature

a few years ago there were reports of a rapist bear in norway, it raped cows

A cockroach can survive with its head being cut off, till it dies of starvation!!

An average computer keyboard is usually dirtier and contains more germs and bacteria than your average public toilet.

Three American ex-Presidents died on the same day, James Monroe, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson..The day was the 4th of July!

No cats or dogs, or for that matter any animal, drowned in the tsunami on Boxing Day!

If you use all the Roman numerals under one thousand once, and reverse the order, the number you will get is 666...

Polar bears are left handed

Human flesh weighs approximately 54 pounds per cubic foot.

out of 2 1/4 million pianos in the UK 1.8 million are out of tune

It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

Popsicle sales show a strong negative correlation with suicide rates

dang i found alot of facts...
8,051 posts

Hummingbirds can't walk

"Rhythm" and "syzygy" are the longest English words without vowels

More people are killed each year from bees than from snakes

A rat can last longer without water than a camel.

Peanuts are used in the production of dynamite

A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate

There is a city called Rome on every continent

The screwdriver was invented before the screw

Flying from London to New York by Concord, due to the time zones crossed, you could arrive 2 hours before you leave

There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia

Spain literally means 'the land of rabbits.'

Pamela Lee-Anderson is Canada's Centennial Baby, being the first baby born on the centennial anniversary of Canada's independence.

A species of earthworm in Australia grows up to 10 feet in length

The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene

It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word is spear

It is illegal to be a prostitute in Siena, Italy, if your name is Mary

Montpelier, Vermont is the only U.S. state capital without a McDonalds

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon

13,817 posts

Montpelier, Vermont is the only U.S. state capital without a McDonalds

That was the only fact that I knew out of all of them.
Showing 46-60 of 68