One thing I find strange is that many people who have very strong opinions about some things on the internet don't defend those opinions in real life. It makes sense, but it seems to me if you believe in something in this community, you should defend your opinions in another one.
For example, I am a major gay rights supporter, and always have been, but I sometimes catch myself thinking "This is gay", and once I almost called something gay to try to insult it. It disgusts me I would think or say things like that, but I still do sometimes.
People do hide themselves from the reality, so that they can be mean and aggressive on the net. It is part of out culture at the moment (not going to write all the s**t down I had in mind, because I know)
If someone does not have the courage to defend something in realife, they are pure fakers. If you use the word gay as an insult, it just makes you a normal civilized human in a society where you want to belong.
When it comes to a particular issue I do pick a side and will defend it in public, or on the internet or anywhere for that matter. I do however try my best to keep my opinions to myself and the reason why is because of what thelistman said,[quote]People are too sensitive
What I find confusing about that phrase is the grammar. Possible improved readings are:
If "That's so gay" offends certain people, then they shouldn't be gay...
If "That's so gay" offends people, well homosexuality shouldn't exist
The first one fallaciously assumes that the only people who get offended by "That's so gay" are gay themselves, and the latter is about as sensible as Iran's President Ahmadinejad at his homophobic best.
I certainly defend my opinions very vehemently in real life. In fact, I find little difference between the statements I make on the net and in person. I even use the same amount of vocabulary.
Well, part of the psychology involved is that many people think that it is harder to defend something if they're arguing in public, etc. On the internet, it's so anonymous that people tend to let go and openly state their beliefs.
I defend my opinions as I would in ''real life'' (I talk french though).The most pathetic and despicable exemple of people making themselves the heros of topics they don't even care about is youtube.Ever read the threads?I can't find one single thread where people are not constantly insulting themselves on stupid subjects (Cube rubik solving video thread for exemple).People are not to sensitive:navigate the web and on several occasions you'll see that ''you're gay'' is a major insult among thread meanies.I hate homophobeous persons,and even though you're right to say there's people who don't use it in a pejorative or negative way,there are who does.People on the internet are rude because they're anonymous,they think it gives them the right to disaprove,discriminate and harm people with their narrow minded and intolerant beliefs. I try to be as tolerant as possible,and objectivity is one of my Forte.