Easy, just rate the above users name.Rate me!
Your name would be so much better if you used proper capitalization. 7/10
random player of ag? omg9/10
Wow pretty random7/10
random_player_of_agSounds like most people on here! 8/10-Hey another person with a non-capitalized name, woot, another joining the club. :P
Sorry to crash your club since I have capitalization... but 8/10 for being sufficiently random...
Ruberry chincken?what kind of name is thatit sounds like a food of mcdonals anyways 5/10
Would you like some capitilization and/or corrected grammar with that? 4/10
Lol at Rafa and Rubbery.Pretty cool and random. 8.5/10 =)
i see u've got the capitilation down.ur a 6/10. could use a creative twist
A creative twist like my name? 3.141592653.../10
no urs is not great
And your rating? Phail at the point of the game...3.141592653..../10
7.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592/10a better pi back atcha
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