ForumsGame WalkthroughsGemcraft- Grenadier Tactics

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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

This is a Gemcraft guide on tactics I use. So far though I ve played only till the 1st epic boss. BUT I've gotten glowing frame scores for all the levels before the epic boss. ( though on second tries).

*Now people say gembombs are useful, thats an understatement, their vital, explosive, powerful and awesome.
Introducing the:

GEMNADIER TACTIC( Grenadier + Gem, kinda lame but never mind)

Step 1 For the first few waves, just put two or three low grade( grade 1 or 2) in the initial towers. These will do fine. Next increase mana pool once( or twice once your initial mana is increased after adding skills).

Step 2, create as many lvl 1 gems as possible! Lvl 1 only! Always keep your fingers on the hotkeys for creating gems and gem bombs.

Step 3 just hurl the gems at the opponents, clicking on the hotkeys and tossing them into the fray! The enemy will be devastated, most of the time you can just click the next wave button before it arrives. If your feeling bold, just summon the next few waves. With this, your mana should be regenerated enough to create more bombs.

Step 4 If you have excess points( meaning you feel you have enough gems for a lvl) you can summon towers, higher grade gems( for towers) and increase mana pool. Of these options, mana pool comes first, then create gems, then towers. But only if you have the excess points.

-Create backup towers near your base, jsut in case the ememies manage to get past. ( not often though)
-3k to 4k mana should be enough per level till the epic boss
-Water trenches help but only when fast enemies spawn ( and only when many spawn) so dont rely too much on them.
-At level 23, your most important skill unlocks, which increases gem bomb effectiveness. Max it as soon as possible,( save points for it beforehand) When its maxed, the damage radius of alvl one bomb can be as good as a lvl 4/5 one. Imagine a grade 7 gem bomb!
- Of course, increase mana skills are a must to max.
- Using this tactic, you dont need to waste mana making good stones, just spam bombs!
- Dont wait for your enemy to appear from the den, just throw bombs at the den, enemies will still be killed.

1st Epic boss fight

Same tactics as per other levels. BUT create very high grade gems from time to time, stockpiling them. When the boss appears, throw these at him. If you managed to get a grade 6 or 7 gem and used it in your towers( which I did for the epic boss) but when the boss got out of range, dont hesitate to throw it at him, unless you can relocate the gem to a tower nearer home. i killed him just when he almsot approached my house.

Pros of the tactic:
Most of the time you will get gold medals after the battle for the number of gems created, towers built, and the number of bombs thrown.

I still testing the tactic on the other levels, so Im not sure if this tactic will do in other levels.

Guide written by Nichodemus

  • 56 Replies
2 posts

hmm good idea thanks a lot

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Ok i've just finished the second level and defeated the epic boss at level 35. Phew! This tactic is very much still effective, in fact I got glowing frame scores on all the second level stages on my first try including epic boss!( except one XD). Only thing though, at the epic boss:

Step 1 Create a few more towers, increase mana twice and put 2 level 3 gems in the towers. ( well I added medium starter gem skill so those were initial gems).

Step 2 Gembomb time! if the gembomb skill is maxed( like me) summon 3 waves at a time( if you can handle it though). I did 5 waves at a go sometimes XD. BUT only if you can

Step 3 stockpile on level 3 gems till your inventary is almost full. ( these are for the epic boss)

Step 4 Get 3 or 4 level 5 gems. ( or 2)Put these in your first few towers. Then add 5 level 4 gems to the other towers.

Step 5 Add a few ( NOT too many dont waste mana) water trenches in front of the enemy den ( epic bosses are exceptions to the guide I don't use them much)

Step 6 When the boss appears, throw all the level 4 bombs at him. Your inventary should be almost full with these.

Step 7 The boss will get past your best towers. It doesnt matter, when your second defense( the level 4 gem towers) are attacking, relocate your best gems to the back. Then when the boss gets past the second line, dont hesitate to fling the level 4 bombs at him!( BUT only when there are no additional towers at the back)

Step 8 The Boss is killed !( Unless you mess up XD, my internet did it crashed just I flung the last bomb T_T 15 min wasted...) If the boss survives your last defenses though, throw all gems at him!1 You may still stand a chance.

If you follow the guide properly, the boss will die beofre completing even 1 lap!!! MEHEHEHE...

* Updates will come once I complete the other levels and refined the guide*

** I should really stop using BUT..**


1,843 posts

Wow this is a very good walkthrew i am amazed by this guy lol well done.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Sorry, step 6 is wrong it should be level 3 bombs!

2,820 posts

u can get higher grade gems then 7, just keep combining them, not a usefull guide but good try :/

115 posts

well i just make one super gem it workes fine for me.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

This is just an alternate take at GemCraft from the usual "getting a single good gem" tactic. It works fine for me. You can get glowing frame scores on all levels( first two stages so far) before level 40 if used properly. And yes I know you can make higher than Grade 7 gems but it takes an awfully long time and if the monsters that spawn are strong against the gem, your finished. Plus once they get out of range, relocating is a pain in the neck.( Foreward and back for the next wave). This guide also allows you to take on multiple waves at one go though.

3,337 posts

all i do is complete all the first battles and get more points a higher level and then i have all the good skills like gem mastery and lower tower cost, it makes it so much easier.
to complete the lower levels you have to put a couple of grade 2 and 3 gems and place them at the enemys dens then click about 10 or so waves and chuck little gem bombs at them. also when you get loads of mana at the end, stick loads of towers around. you get loads of points from amulets and clicking waves
hope this helps a little?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Well I tried the guide the maker suggested but I somehow couldn't win, but GemBombing at least lets you do something otehr then stare at the screen, collect mana and watch your towers. Oh yeah forgot to say, this guide allows you to get at least 3 trohpies each level( gembombing, monster killing gem creating) and gold for the gembombing, gem creating, it varies for the monster killing trophy. Actually it isn't that wise to summon 10 waves, especially if some of them are bosses or fast monsters. You will be overwhelmed. 3-5 at most.

3,337 posts

okay yes, maybe not ten at a time. but i keep the monsters flowing so the towers always have something to kill. then you get a high monster killing amulet.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

That's what my guide says jezz meh.

3,337 posts

oh im sorry im sorry, i'll just shut up now, im not really helpful
good guide though

39 posts

O_o I wonder if there's a specific value on the power of a gem bomb...

All I know is a LV4 with no skills does like 150-250 when bombed. LV1 is like 35. So my guess if your data is correct...
LV No skill --> Maxed skill
LV1 35 --> 200
LV2 65 --> 350
LV3 100 --> 500
LV4 200 --> 900
LV5 300 --> 1250
LV6 400 --> 1700
LV7 500 --> 2250
And so on...I'm probably guessing too high but whatever.

Spamming LV1 Gembombs is very cost efficient with good skill. 31 mana per LV1 is ridiculously cheap. You can start most levels off with a LV3 for the tower and a hella lotta LV1s for bombing.

39 posts

Correction, tested it, it's about 1/4 of that...about their normal damage range in a huge colorful splash damage ^_^ Hence the LV1s being most cost effective.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I use 23 mana to create a lvl 1 bomb owing to adding to another skill. ( forgot which! darn it) It's quite cost efficient, though at higher levels, more lvl 2 and lvl 3 bombs should be created due to higher lvl bosses. The waves can be dealt in just about the same way. XD

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