I'm not, I'm agnostic. If you don't know what that means, look it up or I'll say it's basically I don't care about religion at all: theism or atheism. Not enough proof either way to be either one in my opinion.
What do I look for in life? Enjoyment. I try to enjoy myself as long as I can before eventually I die and then find out what really happens when you die. Life to me is the span of time a being is alive, during which they are supposed to create more beings to repeat the process until the sun burns out or humans are extinct. Not to sound suicidal or anything, but I do find life to be rather pointless since we have nothing expected of us to do to help others in the universe as, at the moment, we have no do if/where other living organisms are. Not gonna talk about if there was life on Mars, because I'm tired. Basically life is just going with the flow and just existing.
Geez you respond fast XP. My code of morals? Well, abuse or harm physically, emotinally, mentally, socially, or spiritually in any form is wrong to me. I admit I may make fun of some people, but everyone is human and has flaws, and usually it's nothing significant, usually stupid things like yo momma jokes, which are so overused they don't really count. Sometimes I make fun of myself because I know I did something wrong, just for the benefit of self criticism, which is a bigger impact making me change what I was doing to better myself.
Well I don't really believe in the term "sin", but I do have morals. Plus, orion never said a perfect life, he said a perfectly good and happy life. There is no such thing as a "erfect" life by your definition unless you die in infancy before your mind is able to judge or have thoughts like that. And that doesn't sound perfect to me, so I'm going with a different definition of perfect life.