i was watching a documentary on the road to mars the other day, now i know some people know i hate these stupid theorys, but what are your thoughts? they say it might start in 2010-2015 or somthing
Waste of tax dollars in my opinion. We've learned nothing from looking at moon rocks. If NASA was priatized, we would probably have already landed on Mars. Let the private industry explore space. NASA is a bureaucratic mess that wastes most of its money.
Waste of tax dollars in my opinion. We've learned nothing from looking at moon rocks.
It wouldn't hurt to explore the unkown, and besides, we HAVE learnt a thing or two from the "moon rocks". Many things that we know about the universe, and possibly how it was created, was beacuse of the moon. The moon may even be a peice of Earth that was broken off, after some impact.
So therefor I think we should atlest try to understand mars, what if it were like Earth? And had been destroy'd by global warming some how?
Waste of tax dollars in my opinion. We've learned nothing from looking at moon rocks. If NASA was priatized, we would probably have already landed on Mars. Let the private industry explore space. NASA is a bureaucratic mess that wastes most of its money.
I think that pretty much sums it up well.
Although, you could argue that because of the new evidence we might find bacteria so we should try. But, honestly, *phppppphphphphphph*
Waste of tax dollars in my opinion. We've learned nothing from looking at moon rocks. If NASA was priatized, we would probably have already landed on Mars. Let the private industry explore space. NASA is a bureaucratic mess that wastes most of its money.
Well, I believe just the opposite. NASA doesn't waste their money, if they did then no one would of landed on the moon.
Waste of tax dollars in my opinion. We've learned nothing from looking at moon rocks.
It wouldn't hurt to explore the unkown, and besides, we HAVE learnt a thing or two from the "moon rocks". Many things that we know about the universe, and possibly how it was created, was beacuse of the moon. The moon may even be a peice of Earth that was broken off, after some impact.
So therefor I think we should atlest try to understand mars, what if it were like Earth? And had been destroy'd by global warming some how?
Yep, I agree. It wouldn't hurt to explore the unknown.
I honestly think Mars landings will begin AFTER the US has returned to the moon. Sometime around 2030. Hopefully, I'll be alive by then but, I don't know if AG or any of you guys will be alive to know.
I think exploration, and search for outside knowledge is important. But I strongly agree that the way Nasa is doing it, its pretty lame. They do need to be privatized. They could be doing so much more.
One step at a time, gentleman.First the moon, mars, eventually new space crafts will emerge and maybe search another galaxy, who knows. could be other life such similar to ours. Or maybe star wars is a real place...lol
I would like this to happen..i couldnt really give a guessed date tho...
but even if it is spending a lot of money..why not try to find out whats deep in space..its a huge place where the earth lives at..i think it would be cool to find out more than what we already know..