Does it bother anyone else that the President thinks an American invented the automobile? It just seems like such a simple thing to research, before he says it out loud in a speech.
Don't get me wrong, I like the dude, but that seemed such a silly gaff.
Well it's arguable who invented the first automobile. Granted, it was not an American. Credit is often given to a British, Belgian, Russian, or Frenchman. Each had a sort of self moving vehicle, but it's up to interpretation which was actually an automobile.
Althought American's didn't invent the automobile, he may have been referencing the fact that it was Ford and Olds who first made production of automobiles efficient enough to make them practical and affordable for large scale use.
I'm guessing you were watching that thing that's invading all our channels, I'm not. Anyway, AGH!!!! A mistake!!! Oh noes! Okay.
Well I looked it up, because I did not know who actually invented the automobile myself, and I've learned there are several nations who are 'responsible' for founding the ancestor to our modern vehicles. None of them mentioned are American? Does not bother me, but it's kinda funny =P Perhaps he was talking about something else, a certain type of car because I've noticed in some of his speeches he tends to say things that what seems one half of America does not understand and the other half does...if that even makes any sense o_O
Everybody makes mistakes, you know?
Well yeah but nobodies slapping him in the face for it, just discussion about some funny things a person does =)
Well, Leonardo da Vinci thinked about a car moving by springs, but like many of his inventions.... It didn't work. At 1769 Nicolas Josef Cugnot invented a car moing by steam. It went 4 kilometres per hour, so it was really slow. At 1885 Karl F. Benz and Gottlieb Daimler (Both from Germany.) invented at sametime a car moving by oil.
Do you know what his exact statment was MudPuddle?
I think it is comminly recognised that Benz/Daimler made the first vehicles that was seen as a car. Most things before that were just kind of random vehicles. Thogh as stated before it was the Americans that, as usual, built on the idea and made it commercially viable through mass production.