According to, Senator Barbara Boxer is pushing a bill that will basically give the government more control over children and it will take away control from the children's parents.
What do you think of this? I personally think that the Parents should still be the ones who control their kids. We already have children services is the parents aren't doing a good job. It would be unnecessary and dangerous to ratify this law.
I have very reasonable parents, so I would like to keep them. I also wouldn't want to be controlled by the government. What kind of things is this bill proposing?
Here's a wikipedia article on this. Apparently, It's been around for about 20 years, everyone in the UN except the US and Somalia have ratified the treaty.
Article 2.2 of the Treaty states this:
2. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child's parents, legal guardians, or family members.
Article 16 states:
1. No child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his or her honour and reputation.
2. The child has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
I wouldn't have a problem with this, except this could infringe a parent's right to punishing the child. Groundings, whoopins, and all that jazz could be illegal if the government doesn't like it.
Groundings, whoopins, and all that jazz could be illegal if the government doesn't like it.
Is there something acceptable about beating children now? If a child is being abused, the government needs to interfere and protect the child; it's their responsibility.
If you're seriously worried about the government taking you away because your parents say you can't do something, which is fully within their rights, then I think you need to look back at that and realize how irrational of a fear it is.
I think that this could be a good thing, I mean it could get us ready for adulthood when we are controlled by government, [/quote]kids should kill there parents if they do it[quote] That is horrible, I would never kill my parents, you jerk
personally i dont want the government to control me. parents can really be over protecting, but they do it because they love us. however the government probably wouldn't give a shit about any one or like 10 children so they would make some random decisions that would only make things worse for us (like a national curfew). im sure they will be a lot worse then our parents. also the money that would be needed to fund this program would probably double the national debt of every government.
I don't know why the U.S hasn't ratified it. All the other U.N. Nations seem to be doing fine and from what I read I don't really see anything terrible coming out of it.
I don't think the government would make a national curfew. Using police and other authoritative figures to yell at kids who are at the movies at 11:00pm on a saturday night would be a total waste of time.
Using police and other authoritative figures to yell at kids who are at the movies at 11:00pm on a saturday night would be a total waste of time.
ya it would be a waste of time but they would probably give bonuses to any cop bored enough to do that.
from what I read I don't really see anything terrible coming out of it.
ya thats the adult version what about the teen version. the adults may like it but what about the teens as a whole(not some geeky teens who are paid to say nice things about it)