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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Moderation Wars (Download/View Parts 1-20 on page 96)

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It was a sad day for was maybe 6 months ago. Our founder, and something of god, Daniel McNeely, had passed away. Of what? Well, Prostate Cancer (because he was too stubborn to get an exam), and about 1 million spam bots, and another 1 million ghosts, that haunted ArmorLand. Daniel went out in a blast, however, he had slaughtered almost all of the spam bots, and revoked half of the ghosts. He did it all by himself, how was he killed? The 3 spamlords, had destroyed him.
His sucsessor, Carlie, was then put in charge in the ArmorCastle (Most of the places I will be talking about is Here Thank you strop for the well illustrated map), and hunted down the 3 spamlords whom killed our honest and great king.
Carlie Ruled over ArmorLand for another 3 months, it was quiet, but she had ignored the hauntings, especially fluent in the Tavern. Many Drunks were possessed and killed during her Term. We thought that it was still okay, however. We praised Carlie. Sadly, her term was not as long as we had hoped, she soon died. Of what? Murder.
Crowds of people came to the meeting hall, and the ArmorCastle, ranting, raving, rioting, and hatespamming of this terrible crime. "Who could have murdered Carlie?!" Everyone shouted. Indeed, it was a sad time.
After this, the Mods had done something they almost NEVER done before, they argued with each other. The arguments and debates never ceased, and then, it turned to flames. War broke out in ArmorLand! Some people flee'd to the gates, but using their mighty ban-tools, the Moderators crushed the fleeing users, and captured those who might survive the mighty blow. Those who were captured were either brainwashed, raped, or enslaved.
Oddly, Ubertuna had never went into the moderation wars, he stayed at the ArmorCastle, completely unknowing of this terrible instance! He had been too busy fighting off several armies, some of which from the moderators themselves, trying to either defile or conquer the Castle, taking it for themselves.
Zoph had been fighting with Strop for the Imaginarium and the other artistry sectors of Armorland, mainly composed to the south. Strop took over alot of the North, and some of the west as well.
Moegreche had completely exiled and pushed back strops efforts to capture the debate area of ArmorLand. Using large, mechanical constructs of stone and powerful Logick (majick + logic), that crushed the users mind with pure sense, and that won every debate. Moegreche has two, extremely large Contructs, which he calls the Sentenials that stand guard out his Mansion.
Zoph has a castle made entirely out of paintings and sculptures, and has a garden/field of mazzelhs, which tend to sleep with her. Her good friend Cenere is her right hand man, and has a regemin of warriors modeled after her character Kai.
Ubertuna stays at his post, constantly fighting in a valiant battle against the riots of the ArmorLanders. He is a great soul, indeed.
There was but one force to stop the madness (SPARTAAAAA) of the Moderation wars. That was called the Syndicate, a group of long time users that go into the tavern for secret meetings, telling each other of the moderators plans. Most of the people in the Syndicate are club members. Sadly, clubs were the first to be enslaved.
The Moderation wars have just begun.

WHOO, I've been thinking of this concept of the Moderation Wars for a couple days, I hope you guys all like, since ArmorGames themed stories seem to be pretty popular nowadays.

  • 1,054 Replies
13,657 posts

For a guy who has already written the next segment, I find you a little slow, mr. Thoad.

And not some much concept as evil stare.

5,642 posts

Well I do have it down, but I normally post it a little farther from now, so that way everyone can find it, and strop would be the only person left to read it. heheh.

Besides, you don't exactly get another segment, cuz you already read todays segment, ya?

5,642 posts

Since Cen was telling me to post a new one already, here is the one he already read but I'm releasing it to the public!

Cen looked at me with a malevolent stare, "I really hate you, you know that?" he said.
I looked at him and grunted, "No time for that, you rest and heal. Curl up in a ball or whatever," I told him, looking towards skater. I actually forgot to take off the duct tape on Cen before moving towards skater.
"Thoad, you do realize the tape is on Cenere still, right?" He said, before I could check out the wounds on his body. I laughed and took off the tape that was fastening Cenere. He curled up into something of a ball and realized the chair was a recliner, making him more comfortable. He rolled up into a ball as he normally does. I looked at skater and started to bandage him up.
"Okay bud, this is gonna be a bit awkward but...I need you to drop your pants," I told skater, sitting on the reed chair again.
"What are you fucking crazy!? NO I'M NOT DROPPING MY DRAWERS" He yelled at me, holding onto his pants.
"Well who else would you like to do it?! CENERE?!!?" I yelled back. Zophia started to get aggravated.
"I'LL DO IT, JUST QUIT WHININ'" She yelped, throwing her arms into the air, which she normally wouldn't do. Skater didn't object.
"Don't get excited now Skater. Also, you keep the underwear on, or your sleepign with Danks uh...pets" I told him, laughing a little. I went into the kitchen to make something to eat, as Zophia looked at his leg wounds. When I came out with a few sandwiches, I saw that Zoph was all done bandaging the wounds. "What's the damage, Zoph?" I asked her.
"There wasn't much damage, but from the looks on his face is where the most pain went towards...who did this to him?" She asked me. I looked at her and then Cen.
"Not sure quite who, but I know that there was a large mech at teh scene, made by ink...also I saw Cen from a visor, there.." I looked back at Cen. He paid no response, it seems like he was actually in his own world.
Dank was fiddling with a few different designs and interfaces. "Let's see here, the 'little miss muppet' virus...what the hell?" he mumbled, sorting through them all. He came on something old, very old. Back where the Moderation Wars hadn't even started. "My's perfect," he looked behind his shoulder, "GET ALL THE USERS POSTING IN THIS THREAD, NOW" he yelled at a group of people in labcoats. They all nodded and brought a large group of about 20.
"It isn't all of them, but a great deal of them, sir" They told Dank. Dank told them all to stand in a large circle, and they followed gladly. They were scrawny, small slaves with barely any meat on their bones. They probably only had rations that were enough to live on, and nothing more.
"Let's do this," Dank smiled malevolently, and his eyes were still sapphire blue. The slaves were enclosed in a glass foundation, and a mist started to fill the air inside. "What you are about to experience is called the Excel. It was developed by a user in the ZSC. Records forget who, but your lungs are being infected," Dank started to laugh, as the slaves hopelessly beat the glass of the contained environment. "None of you will live, and you'll all be...better. More obedient, faster, stronger, but not very witty. Think of yourselves as little meatpuppets all my own, from now on," Dank laughed ferociously, as a few of the slaves became part of the excel, attacking the slaves and "kissing" them, exhaling into them.
Strop had gone away with little to no injuries, and came up upon KingRyan, who had finished rebuilding the Dojo walls. "Dojo walls repaired, sir!" He said to Strop, saluting. Strop had his purple eyes near glowing, and only grunted. Lucie seemed to have been in full control for the time being. KingRyan noticed the eyes, and wondered what was up with them. "Oh well, bye strop," Ryan muttered.
Strop walked through the doors of the Dojo, taking so many different turns and twists. He then pulled a book of a bookcase on the wall, causing it to fall back, unleashing a large set of stairs. He walked down them with no trouble, despite all the darkness around him. He came upon something of a study, with several books and lamps. He opened another book, this time it was filled with words, not a secret passage. It looked like a book of wraiths. "Now then, who could this be?" Said strop, his voice almost completely sounding like Lucie. "There's a fourth? Rafael, me, Ezekiel...who is the fourth? his name is torn out but I can see what he looks like...ohh, what a looker," Strop said, his eyes still purple and his mouth spurting out the words of Lucie.

13,657 posts

Still rather amused about this one. I am curious about them wraiths, really.
And is it Strop's library thingy, or something well hidden?

5,642 posts

And is it Strop's library thingy, or something well hidden?

That's for me to know, and for you to find out, my dear Cenere.
13,657 posts

Naaaw... I thought you would tell me...

4,375 posts

What makes you think I would take my pants off For Zophia?

Any ways, nice segment. As long as i am up and ready to go, then this story shoud be much better.

!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!It's even better KR is i nit!!!!!!!!!!

13,657 posts

What makes you think I would take my pants off For Zophia?

Would you have taken your pants off for me, then?

Any ways, nice segment. As long as i am up and ready to go, then this story shoud be much better.

Still sorry about hurting you > >
4,375 posts

Hrm, so why Am i in the back ground starring at the floor?

Just kiding Cen, nice drawing.

13,657 posts

Thanks. Darn hard to go from that picture to that drawing... I think I failed dramatically...

4,196 posts

!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!It's even better KR is i nit!!!!!!!!!!


Lol...funny Thoad...Zoph's now seen Skater with no pants on....hope she doesn't draw that....

Oooh...Strop has a boooookkkk!
4,375 posts

Hrm, cen it wasn't to bad, honestly......just rough.

What would be wrong with that being drawn?

O goody! Strop, read us a story! Can you read the one about the magical little princess who gets taken to a far off land and *rambles*

5,642 posts

What would be wrong with that being drawn?

Oh I'm sure nothing, since you have a little turtle penorz.

lol. Your mom told me.

Anyways, MW segment will be up later today, so no worries, if you worry, I kill you.
4,375 posts

since you have a little turtle penorz.

Never heard Godzilla refered to as a little turtle.....

if you worry, I kill you.

But what if it's....

*gets stabed in face*
5,642 posts

Never heard Godzilla refered to as a little turtle.....

Yep, he's a teenager.
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