^spam paint, I flagged that post. You know why? Because it's the same rapid conversion, off-topic shit that you've been vomiting on every religion thread in this entire forum. Actually contribute, okay? I don't understand why it's so hard for you to understamd that.
If your god loves you so much, then why will he kill those who don't submit to his will? Sounds an aweful lot like the love of communism to me, and the lot of you oppose that.
. . .but that doesn't make him infinitely loving. The very act of sending people to hell means he is not completely loving. Sending us to burn in a lake of fire for eternity just because we used the free will he gave us is not infinitely loving. If God really does these things, then he is not infinitely loving, as it is said in the Bible. Besides, Jesus supposedly exited hell, and he only suffered after death for like three days if the Bible is right. Also, he was resurrected. Humans don't get that luxury. He died for our sins, but apparently we can still be punished for our sins.
But God sending someone to hell for the reason you stated is exhibiting the psychological traits of a human being, which is just plain stupid. The god that most likely exists cannot be measured at all by any human standards, and the very concept of even having to ask for forgiveness in the remotest way would be exhibiting a human trait, and a being like God is far too magnificent to exhibit such traits. The true God is something so completely foreign and beyond our mindset that he wouldn't exhibit any remote human traits, like having to ask for forgiveness. The true god is just so far from any capacity of human understanding, most likely, and the Bible's portrayal of god is just the useless human interpretation of a being that we can't interpret.
. . .but what we should be questioning is how we see God, and our take on God, and in fact what happenings are the decisions of God and what ones are just acts of nature.