controls: Click and hold to pull down launcher. Up arrow to use E-Rocket. Left arrow key to make the hedgehog go left. Right arrow key to make the hedgehog go right. Down arrow key to deploy parachute.
Good Tactics Get your band and launcher to there max then get your E-rocket to the max and you should be able to get out of the atmosphere pretty easy if you use your first E-rocket right when you start to drop from when you launch with your band. Then use your second E-rocket right when you start dropping from your first E-rocket. For your last E-rocket use it right hen you start to drop from the second E-rocket.
Prices To get full band, launcher, and E-rocket will cost about $17,723.50
Full band costs: $9,384.25 Full launcher costs: $6,839.25 Full E-rocket costs: $1,500
Money The way to get money is to collect little dots, hit platforms, and stay in the air for a while.