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588 posts

As many of you know, The Pirate Bay Trial is currently underway.

How many of you support a few innocent people downloading and making a copy or two of big evil corporations work, then using it to enjoy the movie while evil corporations' executives lose one or two nickels from their pool of golden water?

  • 21 Replies
1,416 posts

That may be one of the most biased summaries I've ever read.

I'm no fan of corporations, but imagine if your music, movies, or ideas were being stolen. You'd be upset. Someone once stole an essay of mine, and passed it off as if it were theirs. I flipped out. I had no money at stake, but my ideas were being stolen. Try to think of these situations from more than one angle.

588 posts

List, their ideas are not being stolen, just copied for others to enjoy.

They give credit to the corporations so what does it matter, besides, they don't even notice a few pirates making copies of their cargo

2,269 posts

List, their ideas are not being stolen, just copied for others to enjoy.
They give credit to the corporations so what does it matter, besides, they don't even notice a few pirates making copies of their cargo

Alright, let's say you make a movie. Intending on making money off of that movie, to pay the actors, ect ect, and yourself.

But some 'smart' guy, makes a copy, without paying a dollar, and then posts it on the web. There millions of people watch the movie for free. Then your profit goes down, and does not sell as well as it would have.

So, not only did your and others hard work go to vain, but you 'stole' from a lot of people, not just the big evil corporations.

Now, you would be pissed right?
52 posts

Alright, let's say you make a movie. Intending on making money off of that movie, to pay the actors, ect ect, and yourself.

What does it matter? Those guys already make millions off of each movie. They aren't being hurt. They have more than enough money to feed, entertain, house, to do anything they want, and yet they want more. It doesn't matter.
But some 'smart' guy, makes a copy, without paying a dollar

What do you mean? Most of those things are DVD rips. They need to buy the DVD.
There millions of people watch the movie for free. Then your profit goes down, and does not sell as well as it would have.

Again, doesn't matter. Any movie that gets posted on the web will still make millions of dollars.
2,269 posts

What does it matter? Those guys already make millions off of each movie. They aren't being hurt. They have more than enough money to feed, entertain, house, to do anything they want, and yet they want more. It doesn't matter.

Yeah, but it's not a hudge lineup that says come pick up your money. They have to pay a lot of the people involved, from the small TV exploading to the shutting down a section of New York City. And they have budget's. So they have to pay that back aswell. Pay, the big corperations, the stores, the camera crews, the producers ect ect. All in all, it can be vary pricy.

What do you mean? Most of those things are DVD rips. They need to buy the DVD

I mean, have the stuff that is intended to be relased in the theaters, is out on the net, before it has a chance. Ultimitly, the movie is resulted to a flopp.

There millions of people watch the movie for free. Then your profit goes down, and does not sell as well as it would have

Yet, those millions has to be paied back, so in the end all you have left is a small amount compaerd to what you intended.

Again, they do have law's against stealing, unauthorised selling/veiwing of the movie.
52 posts

Yeah, but it's not a hudge lineup that says come pick up your money. They have to pay a lot of the people involved, from the small TV exploading to the shutting down a section of New York City. And they have budget's. So they have to pay that back aswell. Pay, the big corperations, the stores, the camera crews, the producers ect ect. All in all, it can be vary pricy.

They get paid before the movie makes profit, when the contract is signed, and than, including all expenses, the producer still makes a shit load of money, in the millions, off of that one movie, and everyone who helped makes a shitload of money, everyone makes a shitload of money.
I mean, have the stuff that is intended to be relased in the theaters, is out on the net, before it has a chance. Ultimitly, the movie is resulted to a flopp.

Most people would rather see it at a theater than on a computer, and if you burn it to a DVD and watch it on your DVD its going to be crazy low quality and look like shit. People will still buy the movie if they have the money for it.

Again, they do have law's against stealing, unauthorised selling/veiwing of the movie.

But, to be honest, its not doing anything.
1,416 posts

Anyone remember Ion Storm? They made the classic First Person Shooter Deus Ex. Because of people like Yakooza, they lost billions of dollars to piracy and had to shut down. When they did close their doors, they blamed internet piracy as their main reason for shutting down.

Don't think that you are only stealing from large, wealthy elites. Many small companies are hurt from internet piracy. Hundreds lost their jobs upon Ion Storm closing. We also lost a great developer.

10,816 posts

For sake of the argument, I'm pitching in my opiniated weight with thelistman here.

Don't think that you are only stealing from large, wealthy elites.

The industry is globally affected by piracy and the industry comprises of both small and large parties. So it stands to reason that small parties get hit by piracy and because they're small, effects are much greater.

However, until the large companies are themselves able to transition towards an altered business model there's no real way forward in terms of moving away from the &quotay per license" situation which people are finding increasingly unacceptable.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Hmm, I wouldn't want to see my life's work just given away free on the internet just for people who are so cheap. It destroys the industries. If you can get it for free, sometimes before the item's official release, then it's a huge motivation to torrent.

Actually The Pirate Bay just gives the links to sites not the actual file. It's the same thing actually. But there's nothing that we can do. Even if Pirate bay shuts down, new sites will just spring up like mushrooms in a damp closet.

Well my friend is a Pirate bay user and he is feeling pretty upset about it...

52 posts

Pirate Bay is located in Sweden, different laws.

176 posts

I don't understand how people justify stealing any media at all. I mean, saying that it's okay just because a company can afford to lose it is stupid. What if, every day, someone stole 3 dollars from you> You could afford it, just like the company can afford to lose money from one movie, but it quickly adds up, and it's that very reason that the music industry is going to die.

1,036 posts

Not all ideas are stolen. Some are bought or just remade to look like the same idea. Ideas are ideas but when someone makes your idea you can sue.

4,682 posts

what is internet piracy i have never heard of it?

13,817 posts

what is internet piracy i have never heard of it?

Internet Piracy is the illegal distribution of copyrighted materials on the Internet, in short it is uploading or downloading of copyrighted non-free materials such as movies.
10,816 posts

and it's that very reason that the music industry is going to die.

I would add "as we know it".

The demand for music won't die off but there will be significant changes. A lot of groups are starting out and frequently promote their material with free uploads, especially on Myspace and Youtube.

Seems to me that like it or not, with a new generation will come a new business model.
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