ForumsForum GamesSpeices (evolution rpg)

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Ok, so i like evolution and how races evolve (just so you all know)
And because of that, i have decided to make this rpg.
My last rpg, Zombies are hungry was a very fun rpg, but since some of the best/first players quit (yes, i am talking about you jezz) i decided to let somebody else be the leader of that rpg. And jezz, if you didnt quit, then i wonder why you did not play for over a 4 days?

Anyhow, this rpg is about evolving.
The story is about a planet far away from earth.
For about 1 million years ago that planet was struck by a meteor. That meteor brought a primitive form of cells with it. After about half a million years ago there was multicelled creatures on that planet.
You start of as a small fish-creature living in the ocean,
searching for food.
Your object is to reach level 5, because then you will be avaliable to emerge from the water and climb onto land.
After that, your object is simply to evolve and be the most powerful creature on the planet.
Maybe you will become a humanoid? Or maybe you will become dragon-like creature? Remember that other members of your species will evolve when you do.

This is how the form you post should look:

Name of species:
Colour and aperance:
Bodyweapons and armor:
Type: (carnivore or herbivore NO OMNIVORE)

The rest of your stats i will post you once your charcter has been accepted. (Those stats will be hp and hunger an such).

May the force be with you!

  • 4 Replies
3,337 posts

whoa, are you really that cut up about me quitting your RPG?
because if so im REALLY sorry dude.

Name of species: Velumi Volvi
Colour and aperance: scaly, plain and see-through skin. My whole body ripples with electricity as i swim along. Can live in deep sea or near the surface. Only in the tropics
Bodyweapons and armor: electricity. protective scales. sharp teeth.
Type: Carnivore!

55 posts

Just so you know, its ok. And the max weapons are from now three thats about as good as yours jezz.

And your fish cant live in two separate places (like northrend seas and tropic waters).

Name of species: Velumi Volvi
Colour and aperance: scaly, plain and see-through skin. My whole body ripples with electricity as i swim along. Can live in deep sea or near the surface. Only in the tropics
Bodyweapons and armor: electricity. protective scales. sharp teeth.
Type: Carnivore
Gender: (forgot to ask you about it)

You start of in the tropic seas.
You have been huntig for food in the past few days of your life with some other creatures of your kind. Mostly adults are in the group, but some are kids and newborns too.
After awhile your group gets attacked by two seasnakes.
A lot of the adults are killed by the gigantic creatures and your brother is amongst those who dies.
The group is getting separated peice by peice, so you do what?

1.Run away

2.Try to kill them

3.Look for your parents

4.Follow the nearest person to safety

87 posts

Name of species: Malificus Lemonus

Colour and aperance: A small yellow diamond that has functioning limbs and a tail.

Bodyweapons and armor: Ability to shoot a acidic liquid out of its torso

Type: Carnivore!!

55 posts

Excuse me but i am quitting this rpg. And i want to close this link.

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